
Protection from Electro-Pollution

Protection from Handphones & Electromagnetic fields (EMFs)

Most electricity comes from alternating currents (AC electricity), which create an energy field that is both electrical and magnetic (EMF). These EMFs penetrate biological systems and drain them of their life-force energy. The negative effect of AC electricity is compounded wherever transformers, electric motors, coils, or some other form of high resistance is present. High-tension wires and step-down transformers present one of the greatest dangers, but they are by no means the only danger. Common office and household items like computers, copiers,refrigerators, electric stoves, electric blankets, hair dryers, blenders, microwaves, electric juicers, electric clocks, fluorescent lights, and televisions require AC to DC conversion for their operation, thus producing potentially damaging EMFs.

Don’t Panic!
It is possible to protect yourself and your loved ones from EMFs. In fact, when using Tachyonized Silica Disks and other items, you are able to do more than simply protect your family. The Silica Disks turn hazardous, extremely low frequency EMFs into beneficial energy for the body

Studies show that Tachyonized™ Silica Disks installed over the circuit breakers of your home or office neutralize the negative effects of EMFs and, at the same time, improve biological functioning. These groundbreaking studies also strongly indicate that when your circuits are protected by Tachyonized Silica Disks, food prepared with electrical appliances have greater life-force energy.

For example, most people are familiar with the benefits of fresh, organic juice. Unfortunately, even electric juicers create a powerful EMF which depletes the SOEFs, thereby robbing the valuable life-force energy from your juice. However, when your circuits are protected by Tachyonized Silica Disks, your juice and other foods prepared with electrical appliances actually have the same energy value as fresh foods.

Tachyonised Silica Disks
Tachyonised Silica Disks were developed to protect you and your family from the negative effects of electromagnetic fields. Used worldwide, they are the best tool on the planet for transforming the negative effects of EMF into life enhancing energy. Use them and feel the difference! Various sizes are available for use on your handphones, computers, TVs, refrigerators (to energise and freshen food) or on the main circuit breaker to harmonise whole premises.

Tachyonised Cubes
Protect yourself from the emf of your car by placing the cube on your car's positive (red) battery cable. It is perfect for portable devices such as lab-top computers, stereos, hairdryer etc. Use it also on the power cord of refrigerators, juicers, mixers, blenders, food processors, etc. at home or when you travel. Simply snap the cubes around the power cords of TV or mini-refrigerators in your hotel room.

Other Tachyonised products
Tachyonised products are also superior for Pain Relief, Healing and Sports Injury. They come in the form of Ointments, message Oils, Wrist bands, Head Bands, Knee, Ankle and Elbow Wraps, Sole Inserts, Jewelry, Foods/Herbs and even Toys.

Do not jeopardise Your Health, especially that of your children.

Cancer Center in Pittsburgh Warns of Cell Phone Risks

By Paul Fitzgerald (partial reprint)

The head of a prominent cancer research institute issued an unprecedented warning to his faculty and staff Wednesday: Limit cell phone use because of the possible risk of cancer.

The warning from Dr. Ronald B. Herberman, director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, is contrary to numerous studies that don't find a link between cancer and cell phone use, and a public lack of worry by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Herberman is basing his alarm on early unpublished data. He says it takes too long to get answers from science and he believes people should take action now especially when it comes to children.

"Really at the heart of my concern is that we shouldn't wait for a definitive study to come out, but err on the side of being safe rather than sorry later," Herberman said.

No other major academic cancer research institutions have sounded such an alarm about cell phone use. But Herberman's advice is sure to raise concern among many cell phone users and especially parents.

In the memo he sent to about 3,000 faculty and staff Wednesday, he says children should use cell
phones only
for emergencies because their brains are still developing.

Adults should keep the phone away from the head and use the speakerphone or a wireless headset, he says. He even warns against using cell phones in public places like a bus because it exposes others to the phone's electromagnetic fields.

Call Peter on (65)6270 3929 or email for enquiry or consultation.

Read on for more detailed Information

The dispute concerning the repercussions that cell phones have on human beings has prevailed since their inception. For every study that indicates a link between cell phones and cancer there seems to be a couple of highly funded, high profile studies that conclude there is no link between cell phones and cancer.

University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute:
For example, on July 23rd, 2008 Dr. Ronald B. Herberman1, director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, stated in a memo sent to 3000 faculty and staff that children should use cell phones only for emergencies because their brains are still developing. Herberman is basing his alarm on early, unpublished data. He says it takes too long to get answers from science and he believes people should take action now — especially when it comes to children.

"Really at the heart of my concern is that we shouldn't wait for a definitive study to come out, but err on the side of being safe rather than sorry later," Herberman said. Herberman's advice is sure to raise concern as it should among cell phone users and especially parents.

Of course Dr. Herberman’s warning is contrary to numerous studies that don't find a link between increased tumors and cell phone use, and a public lack of worry by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

There may be no consensus but one fact is for certain:

Cell phones are an intricate part of a growing majority of wireless communicators. A wireless world has become as natural as an mp3 or a DVD. Our technologically evolving society has quickly forgotten the days of rotary dial phones with 1/2 lb receivers, 33rpm records, 8mm home movies and 10 megabyte hard disks. Trends now indicate that it is just a question of time before the elimination of land line communication networks as wireless technology dominates the horizon. With this “evolution” comes an uncanny array of invisible electromagnetic fields (EMF's), radio frequencies (RF) emissions and microwaves (MW) saturating most metropolitan areas.

If you live in a metropolitan city almost anywhere in the world, the probability that you or someone you know will be utilizing a cell phone today is almost a certainty. Economics are a key factor in the powerful debate over the health hazards of cell phones. There are those who claim that cell phones ultimately pose a health risk, and then there are those who remain certain that cell phones pose no significant health hazards.

Let us take a moment and entertain the possibilities of what might happen if cell phones were proven to have a negative impact on health. If cell phones were unilaterally accepted as being a serious health risks it would probably tumble the current telecommunication world as we know it. Considering that most of these companies are held by large international conglomerates, the legal impact could inevitably collapse the corporate structures and possibly even profoundly affect society as a whole. With roughly 2 billion cell phone users, the economic and social ramifications are staggering. Anyone who ever used a cell phone and developed cancer could naturally place blame and financial responsibility on the manufacturer thereby creating a flood of legal actions. For this reason alone, there may never be a collective consensus of opinion on the diverse controversy of whether cell phones lead to cancer or pose any significant health risks.

But what is cancer?
It may be helpful at this juncture to overlook the label and stigma of the word cancer and focus on the predicament from a different perspective. From the quantum physics point of view, everything is comprised of energy. Everything is either gaining or losing energy. From the holistic perspective, the losing or gaining of energy can be equated with the process of aging or youthing.

Youthing is synonymous with negative entropy. Negative entropy is the movement of a system towards order, harmony or balance. Likewise when a system moves towards balance or order it is considered to be youthing. Entropy is the polar opposite describing a system’s movement towards chaos, disease or disorder. It is the process of aging. From the holistic perspective it is believed that almost every disease or disorder finds its roots in an energetic depletion or imbalance. Cancer comes from an energetic depletion (entropy) over time. This is the process of entropy. This is the aging of a specific gland or organ, which undoubtedly affects the overall system.

From the energetic perspective,
cancer or any other disease is most certainly a cumulative, entropic process. Any system that experiences entropy sustained through time will naturally arrive at a depleted state in which chaos, disorder, disease or death are the natural outcome.

From the holistic perspective,
the question of cell phones in relation to cancer is moot. Cancer is a byproduct, which is inevitably caused by entropy. And therefore, the question should be: “Can cell phones cause entropy?” Entropy is the turning towards disorder and disease. According to the opinion of one entropy expert, Dr. Gabriel Cousens2, the answer is an emphatic yes!

Dr. Cousens has been an active researcher into the fundamental nature of entropy for over 30 years. Measuring and testing the entropic response of systems, glands and organs have guided Dr. Cousens into an enlightened view of entropy and negative entropy. One of Dr. Cousens’ most recent research projects clearly illustrates the entropic effects that cell phones have on most users.

Gabriel Cousens M.D. Research
For this research project, Dr. Cousens selected a prototype EMT (electoral muscle tester) developed by Dr. Buryl Pane PhD3 to be used for all measurements. “The EMT is capable of measuring individual increases or decreases in muscular resistance” claims Dr. Payne.

An increase in the EMT reading represents a negative entropic (or ageing) response. A decrease in the EMT reading represents an entropic (or youthing) response. The EMT is unique in that it is operated by the individual being tested. This removes the researcher's subjectivity. Each of the individuals being tested used their personal cell phone during the testing process. Each individual was evaluated either two or three times based on the relevant conclusion. The first EMT reading was acquired to formulate a baseline. Next, the subject, using their personal cell phone would place a call and conduct a common conversation. The cell phone was positioned on either the right or left side of the head as determined by the subject's preference. Dr. Cousens then acquired a second EMT reading after no less than two minutes of cell phone conversation. The second reading, when compared to the subject's baseline, would reveal whether talking on the cell phone had an entropic or negative entropic effect. If the second reading revealed an entropic response, Dr. Cousens would install a Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disk on the battery compartment of the subject's cell phone. (The Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disk is reputedly a negative entropic device capable of harmonizing electromagnetic fields4). The subject would once again engage in a cell phone conversation in excess of two minutes. During the conversation a third EMT reading was acquired. This reading was compared to the original baseline.

Dr. Cousens scientifically tested 186 subjects.
Baseline readings were acquired first. The second reading revealed 90% of the subjects experienced a significant bioenergetic depletion (entropy) while talking on their personal cell phone. This clearly illustrates that cell phones do in fact give rise to entropy. After installing a Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disk on the depleted subject's cell phone, a third reading was acquired. 100% of the subjects upon re-testing exhibited a significant bioenergetic increase which exceeded the baseline. As indicated by Dr. Cousens, the Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disk is the only material he has evaluated that reversed the entropic effects of the test subject. It is interesting to note that 3% exhibited a significant bioenergetic increase when talking on their personal cell phone. Dr. Cousens says that the 3% is consistent with his findings that a percentage of the population experiences what he calls an energy reversal. For these individuals, most typical therapies work in reverse on their systems.

Dr. Cousens’ conclusion is that cell phones do have an entropic affect on most humans. He states that the best way to avoid the biological depletion that these devices produce is to abstain from using them. If you cannot live without your cell phone, then you must protect yourself from the entropic (or chaotic and ageing) affects. In Dr. Cousens’ personal opinion, the Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disk is the best solution available for harmonizing and negating the electromagnetic fields produced by cell phones.
Dr. Cousens’ findings in regards to cell phones and their effect on biological systems clearly answers the entropy question. Cell phones, for most people, have an entropic effect on their systems. This means that they are depleting the bioenergetics or creating chaos in the user. Dr. Cousens’ findings also provide a proven solution to the entropy problem.

The current controversies over whether cell phones cause cancer will likely rage on. Current research clearly indicates that the predominant concern we should be focusing on is not if cell phones cause cancer, but rather do cell phones prematurely exhaust our energetic structure, making us more susceptible to disease, disorder or chaos.

There is enough convincing evidence to clearly indicate that there is reason to be concerned. Unfortunately, the practical solution offered by most researchers is to curb exposure. In this modern world where everyone is trying to get more done in less time, that solution appears unlikely. And what are the possibilities of these new technologies? Are we destined to remedy technology with technology? It is true that we are in a technological era and that our obsession with technology is increasing. Therefore the only solutions are either through technology or abstention. Will the technical corporations properly solve their own problem? One would hope that responsible leaders will make reliable choices for their consumers. A simple, quick solution seems extremely unlikely considering that most studies which demonstrate the safety of cell phones are supported by special-interest groups that are often funded by the financial pulse of the industry itself.

Maybe the time has come for concerned individuals to take matters into their own hands. To do so is to be proactive. Some people regularly consume organic food, even though the food industry reports that herbicides and pesticides are safe. Some people drink filtered or bottled water even though the water municipalities say that the water coming out of our faucets is safe. Fortunately we now have insightful studies like the one conducted by Dr. Gabriel Cousens. These studies enlighten us to technological solutions that concerned individuals may employ to protect themselves from cell phone radiation, even though the manufacturers say the radiation is safe. Proclivity has been the trend since the days of DDT. After all it is our future, and the future of our children's children which is at stake here. A proactive course appears to be the most prudent course. For now, the best solution appears to be limiting our personal exposure, as well as incorporating the research proven Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disk.

1. Dr. Ronald B. Herberman, Director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute
2. Gabriel Cousens, M.D., M.D. (H),
3. Buryl Payne PhD , Author of The Body Magnetic, Publisher: Psychophysics ISBN: 0962856991

Quick Pain Relief & Management

Be FREE of PAIN in just minutes
Learn to treat your own pain arising from
Accidental Injuries, Sports, Arthritis, Slip Disc, Backaches, Frozen shoulders,
Headaches etc.

Since 1990, a quantum technological breakthrough has brought quick and effective Relief from Pain for numerous people in 90 countries all over the world. You too can easily treat your own array of Pains with just a few simple DIY tools. These tools are transformed at the sub-molecular level and act as antennae to channel the life force energy (or what is known to quantum scientists as Zero Point Energy) into the body...the result is quick relief from pain and natural healing.

Just to give you an idea how easy it is to treat a lower back injury, the following is an account of how I helped Zhi Ping overcome his problem:
Zhi Ping suffered an intense lower back pain due to an over-exertion while moving a heavy cabinet on his own. He was limping badly and in great pain when I first visited him. He even had difficulty lying down on a bed and needed help to move into a position with his back facing up for treatment.

1. Zhi Ping indicated with his hand the pain area on his lower back.
2. By using one finger and pressing with a firm pressure along the various parts of the pain area, I "mapped" or identified the hot spots and the less pain spots. (2 minutes)
3. A few drops of Panther Juice, a special hi-tech ointment, was applied over the pain area and left to penetrate the muscles. (Observation: A few minutes after application, Zhi Ping commented that the pain was almost half gone)
4. Then a few cells (a special hi-tech glass cell) were placed over the pain area and a very potent Glass bar (laboratory grown and transformed) was used to charge up the cells and pain area for a few minutes. (total time taken: 5 minutes)
5. The cells were removed and the pain areas was mapped again by pressing firmly with my fingers at the various spots.

Zhi Ping responded that the pain was at least 80% gone.
Instruction: Zhi Ping was asked to apply Panther Juice over the pain area 3 times a day for the next few days to maintain the healing process. He was asked to see me after 3 days if he still has pain.
Follow-up: Zhi Ping called after 3 days to say that his pain was completely gone and he is back to normal. I congratulated him on his quick and complete recovery but cautioned him that he should learn to take it easy and not over-strain his back muscles.

You can either choose to be treated for your Pain or
choose to do it yourself by acquiring the Hi tech tools.

For consultation or information, call Peter on 65 6270 3929.

Elements of Health: Cellular Nutrition

The three elements of optimal health

Element I:
The collagen matrix

The entire body is held together by connective tissue. Collagen is the strong, fibrous protein that serves as the building block for connective tissues including skin, tendons, ligaments, eyes, lungs and arteries. Collagen is like the glue that holds the body together. Collagen production is dependent upon ample supplies of ascorbates. While most animals produce their own ascorbates from the food they eat, humans, guinea pigs, fruit bats and primates do not. (Scientists believe that about 10,000 years ago humans could produce their own ascorbates.)

Unless sufficient quantities of usable ascorbates are ingested daily, the collagen matrix becomes stiff and brittle: Skin wrinkles, backs ache, ligaments pull and the little sacs in the lungs get stiff-causing blood vessels and arteries to crack.

Also critical to the production of collagen are the amino acids lysine and proline. When our bodies do not have enough vitamin C, they cannot use the amino acids lysine and proline to make the proper cross links in the collagen. Like ascorbates, humans must obtain lysine and proline from dietary sources. Our dietary intake is usually deficient in lysine. Proline can be produced by the body but usually in inadequate quantities. Lysine and proline are essential for proper collagen formation and to prevent cholesterol build-up in the form of plaque.

Symptoms caused by ascorbate deficiencies (and the body's subsequent inability to utilize lysine and proline) are traditionally referred to as "scurvy." The body can, for a time, manufacture enough lipoproteins from blood plasma to "patch" the vesicular/arterial cracks. The patch material is commonly called "plaque." As the plaque gets thicker, vessels and arteries can no longer flex and blood flow is restricted.

As a result, the resting heart rate increases. This condition is commonly diagnosed as "high blood pressure." Over time, vessels and arteries can become so cracked and plaqued that people lose blood internally, eventually resulting in a heart attack. High blood pressure, also known as hypoascorbemia, is advance warning that the host is preparing to become another heart disease statistic.

A diet rich in ascorbates can prevent scurvy and, to some extent, therapeutic doses of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) can reverse the deficiency and other chronic conditions created by a lack of vitamin C. But ascorbic acid is only one form of ascorbate and can cause digestive discomfort when therapeutic doses are administered.

Buffered mineral ascorbates (sodium ascorbate, calcium ascorbate and potassium ascorbate) can be taken daily in larger quantities without discomfort. The only substances capable of healing damaged vessels and arteries are ascorbates.

It should also be noted that the presence of buffered mineral ascorbates prevents and/or reverses the symptoms of high blood sugar, commonly referred to as "diabetes."

There are no surgical procedures to be performed nor drugs taken that will remove the plaque and heal cracked vessels and arteries. Insider scientists and doctors have formulated an effective formulae, MoRE (Molecular Repair Essential) that addresses the above problems brought about by the lack of ascorbates in the body.

Element II: Acid/alkaline balance

The second element is the acid/alkaline balance in the body. It is monitored by measuring the pH (the symbol for hydrogen ion concentration) which is regulated by the body's oxygen saturation level. The body must be slightly alkaline for its cells to be properly oxygenated.

The pH scale goes from zero to 14, zero being purely acid, 14 being purely alkaline and 7 being "neutral pH." Without exception, people with cancer have a pH below 7.0, which means their tissues and their cells are not being properly oxygenated. This condition is called "acidosis." People with a body pH over 7.4 do not have cancer because their cells and tissues are being properly oxygenated.

Contrary to current medical information, cancer is the easiest of all degenerative diseases to understand and is readily reversible without dangerous drugs and surgeries.

The body is constantly regulating the replacement of worn out cells while creating new cells to repair tissue damage. "Cancerous" is the term applied to cells that reproduce in an unregulated manner until they form a tissue mass, or "tumor."

In order to create a cancerous cell in the lab, technicians simply withhold oxygen from a healthy cell and it becomes cancerous within a few hours. Conversely, supplying the cancerous cell with more oxygen than was withheld from it, causes that cancerous cell to die within a few hours. An individual cell cannot be cured of cancer; once cancerous, the cell must be destroyed. The natural way to accomplish the feat of destroying cancer cells is exposing them to oxygen. Increasing the amount of oxygen available to the cells is accomplished by elevating body pH through diet and exercise.

In cases where elevating body pH is critical, the most alkalinizing element known to man is cesium. Daily intake of cesium, with potassium, will quickly increase body pH. It has been demonstrated that cancerous cells cannot survive in a pH of 8.0. Once cancerous cells have been destroyed, maintaining body pH at 7.4-7.5 will prevent cells from becoming cancerous.

Over 75 years ago, Otto Warburg was awarded two Nobel prizes for his theories that cancer is caused by weakened cell respiration due to lack of oxygen at the cellular level. According to Warburg, damaged cell respiration causes fermentation, resulting in low pH (acidity) at the cellular level.

Dr. Warburg, in his Nobel Prize winning paper, illustrated the environment of the cancer cell. A normal healthy cell undergoes an adverse change when it can no longer take in oxygen to convert glucose into energy. In the absence of oxygen, the cell reverts to a primal nutritional program to nourish itself by converting glucose through the process of fermentation. The lactic acid produced by fermentation lowers the cell pH (acid/alkaline balance) and destroys the ability of DNA and RNA to control cell division. The cancer cells then begin to multiply out of control. The lack of oxygen and the lactic acid simultaneously causes severe local pain as cell enzymes are destroyed. The cancer appears as a rapidly growing external cell covering with a core of dead cells.

Otto Warburg won a Nobel Prize for showing that cancer thrives in anaerobic (without oxygen), or acidic, conditions. Research by Keith Brewer, PhD and H.E. Satori has shown that raising the pH, or oxygen content, range of a cell to pH 8.0 creates a deadly environment for cancer.

When a full Spectrum Calcium protocol (Master Formula II) is taken up by cancer cells, it raises the pH, or oxygen content, of the cell. The cancer cells that die are absorbed and eliminated by the body. This is a very basic solution and it is a Nobel Prize Winning proven formula that prevents new cancer cells from forming.

In order to be beneficial to a healthy, pain free body, elements must be bio-available, i.e. the body must be able to use them, or they are not only practically useless, but are deleterious in that they create a false sense of security. Despite the publicity attached to calcium, 80% of the population is deficient because only about 5% is usable in the most highly touted products. These deficiencies contribute to over 150 diseases.

Scientists instruct that for calcium to be bio-available, the formulation must have the correct ratios of Calcium, and its elemental partner Magnesium; that is must have its trigger Vitamin D, which requires vitamin A, and then must be ionized. They must be in a liquid form when ingested. Pills are essentially a waste of resources and effort.

As health researchers, we could not find an existing formulation having the integrity necessary. At enormous expense, using our own bio-chemists, we invested substantial resources to develop the proper formulation for Master Formula II. Each teaspoon of Master Formula II contains 600mg Calcium, 345mg Magnesium, 10000iu Vitamin A and 200iu Vitamin D. These are the scientific ratios. The recommended daily doses are as follows: pH 6.5 - 7.4 (healthy range) 1 teaspoon; pH 6.0 - 6.5 (developing a disease) 2 teaspoons; pH 4.5-6.0 (you have a disease) 3 teaspoons. Remember to mix the powder in a liquid (water, orange juice, green tea - not a carbonated beverage), so it can react with the molecules to ionize. Give it time to dissolve, and combine with the hydrogen in the liquid before drinking.

There are no surgeries that can be performed nor drugs taken that will restore or maintain the body's acid/alkaline balance.

Element III: Hormonal balance

The third element is the balance between the hormone insulin and growth hormone. People with the highest levels of the growth hormone somatotrophin (STH) live the longest.

Insulin, produced in the pancreas, is secreted to regulate the rate at which the body utilizes carbohydrates. When we consume carbohydrates (sugars and starches), insulin is released to lower the level of sugar (glucose) in the blood. Insulin also promotes the use of glucose as an energy source for the body, promotes the storage of fat and encourages the conversion of proteins to fat for storage.

Produced in the pituitary gland, STH increases the rate of protein synthesis, affects the metabolism of sodium, potassium and calcium and influences the metabolism of carbohydrates. The purpose of STH is to convert the body's available energy into bone, muscle and tissue growth.

When we are young, our bodies have a low ratio of insulin to STH so we are healthier, leaner, full of energy-and growing. The insulin encourages the body to store carbohydrates as fat while STH stimulates the burning of that fat.

Due to age and inactivity, stored carbohydrates accumulate in the form of fat. Because we are now full-grown, the hypothalamus tells the pituitary gland to release less and less STH. This causes the pancreas to produce more insulin in order to maintain proper blood sugar levels. The visible result of this hormonal imbalance is weight gain. The chronic symptoms of this imbalance is hypoglycemia. If not corrected, diabetes is the end result.

Diabetes: Cause and Cure?
Diabetes is the name given to a condition that occur when the pancreas of a person ceases to produce adequate amounts of the hormone/enzyme insulin, which regulates the levels of sugar in the blood. Though the chemistry of diabetes is extremely complex, it is not difficult to explain in practical terms.

Type-I diabetes, or juvenile-onset diabetes, is diagnosed in children and young adults who are unable to produce insulin and are, therefore, incapable of regulating blood sugar levels internally. The common belief is that type-I diabetics were born with an irreversible pancreatic disorder and are, therefore, incurably dependent on insulin injections until they die.

A Type-I diabetes diagnosis is not necessarily incurable. Often pancreatic tissues become damaged by a class of parasites called flukes. After eliminating the parasites with herbal formulars, orthomolecular protocols may be employed to heal damaged pancreatic tissues. Once the organ itself heals, its proper functions may be restored and normal insulin production may begin or resume. Young children have a tendency to readily regenerate damaged tissue, including damaged pancreatic tissue.

Type-II diabetes, often referred to as adult-onset diabetes, is epidemic among adults of many civilised nations of the world. In recent years, increasing numbers of children and young people are being diagnosed with type-II diabetes.

Type-II diabetics, however, are considered curable because their blood sugar aberrations have developed over time through poor eating, drinking and smoking habits combined with sedentary lifestyles. It is estimated that 90 percent of type-II diabetes cases can be prevented/reversed if people refrain from eating, drinking and smoking substances identified with the development of diabetes and get more exercise.

In both types of diabetes, insulin production is not sufficient to properly oxidize carbohydrates (sugars). This leads to improper carbohydrate utilization by the body which leads to abnormalities in the metabolism of fats and proteins. Ultimately, the end products of fat metabolism accumulate in the blood.

Unfortunately, the most commonly prescribed treatments for diabetes make no attempt to correct the foundational problem: The inability of the pancreas to produce insulin.

This oversight insures that diabetics could eventually experience strokes, both ischaemic and haemorrhagic heart failure, obesity, atherosclerosis, elevated blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, elevated triglycerides, impotence, retinopathy, renal failure, liver failure, polycystic ovary syndrome (if you are a woman), elevated blood sugar, systemic candida, impaired carbohydrate metabolism, poor wound healing, impaired fat metabolism, peripheral neuropathy, diabetic coma and death.

Type-I and type-II diabetics have reported that they have been able to reverse their symptoms with proper diet, exercise, and taking cellular nutritional formulars that cater for their hormonal balance, pH balance and Ascorbate requirements that help maintain the body’s collagen matrix.

There are no surgeries that can be performed nor drugs that can be taken to maintain optimal levels of both insulin and STH.

Note from Peter Choo: I have joined a membership group of researchers who have made available the above formulars at laboratory costs. The formulars are:

1. Molecular Repair Essentials (MoRE) ...for Collagen matrix
2. Master Formular II (full spectrum calcium) ... for pH Balance
3. RAANOW (Reverse Accelerted Ageing Now)...for Hormonal balance

Do log on to my portal on the following website to do more research or to join as a member to order the products at membership price and/or to pass on the message of Insider Scientists and Doctors:

However, if you just wish to try some of the formulars first, do feel free to contact me by email ( or call me on (65)6270 3929. If you are in Singapore call 6270 3929.

Miracle Exercise

What People are Saying about Needak Rebounders:
" I woke up one night at 3 a.m. with a bad sore-throat. I took a cup of water and started a gentle bounce on the Needak rebounder. After about 15 minutes I started to feel better. I continued the gentle bounce and kept my eyes glued to the clock. By the end of 25 minutes, my sore-throat was completely gone. What an experience and a revelation! I knew that rebound exercise will help boost the immune system by activating the flow of the lymph fluids thus allowing the white blood cells to defend the body against infection and foreign invaders . But I had never expected it to actually work so quickly and effectively." Kyi Main, Singapore, 1998
"Rebound exercise is the closest thing to the Fountain of Youth that science has found."
James R White, Ph D, author of Jump for Joy, 1981.
"The external work output at equivalent levels of oxygen uptake were significantly greater while trampolining then running...the greatest difference was about 68% " NASA - Ames Research Centre, Moffert Field, California, study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology 49(5):881-887, 1980.
"Never in my 35 years as a practicing physician have I found any exercise method, for any price, that will do more for the physical body than rebound exercise." Henry Savage, M.D.
The Harris Nelson Story: Harris Nelson of Hollywood, former president of Hollywood's famous comedy club, 70 years young, sums up the benefits of rebounding in inimitable style:
" All you have to do is bounce on the rebounder, very easily at first (convalescents can sit on it), and it is astounding how it massages every organ in your body. The results are fantastic!
" The concept is new. Bouncing puts all the cells in the body under positive and manageable stress. In defense, they fortify themselves by strengthening their walls. They become stronger and so do you! It's as simple as that! And it works!
" I need only 6 hours of sleep at night now - and no tossing as before - I wake up refreshed. No more waking up in the nights. Stress and anxiety reduced 100%. Cough gone. Arthritis gone.
" I can eat anything now; even before going to bed and I don't wake up dizzy and nauseated at four in the morning because of my heart problems. No Angina Pains!
" I have never enjoyed better regularity in elimination.
" I have renewed zip and vitality.
" I've lost 8 pounds and no dieting. All muscles are firmer. My pot belly is reduced 1-1/2 inches.
" I can read music faster. My mind reacts much quicker, and I'm sure it is correcting disorders I'm not even aware of. Plus, plus, plus!
"All this and why? Better circulation. Stronger lung power and a stimulated lymphatic system (your toxic poison and waste removal system). Action and movement. Exercise! And happy days, I can do it while watching television. No special grab, no sweat!
" And it's done all this for me in less than four months, rebounding just five to ten minutes twice a day. That's all I need to keep fit!

Vision Enhancement
Many individuals especially Singaporeans troubled by vision defects have begun using the Needak rebounder to improve their eyesight. Statistics from the Singapore ministry of health show that 50% of 12-year-olds and 70% of 18-year-olds are myopic.
Imperfect eyesight is mainly caused by stresses and strains of the body and mind, poor general health and incorrect use of the eyes. To derive maximum benefit from a rebound programme, it is necessary to follow a sound nutritional programme that allows the body to develop better health. Then going through the discipline of rebound exercise, you can learn relaxation techniques to overcome stresses and strains. You will also be getting aerobic exercise (a must for any health programme), and you will learn new ways to use your eyes. The rebound exercise will help:
* Relax the eyes and mind
* Improve memory, imagination and visualisation
* Teach the eyes to shift properly
* Provide visual biofeedback for muscle control.
More scientific information on Rebound Exercise
This simple exercise can stimulate your metabolism, keeping you fit, healthy and feeling good.
There are innumerable systems for keeping fit. But according to modern research, there is one form of exercise that is more complete than any other. It is known as aerobic rebounding and it consists of simple ordinary exercises performed on a firm mini-trampolin - a bouncer or rebounder.
What is Exercise and What is a Good Exercise?
Exercise is a process by which the cells of the body are placed under controlled stress. They are stimulated to reach a higher degree of metabolic efficiency as well as to increase in vigour, strength and vitality. Since the cell is the basic structure of every tissue, muscle, organ and system of the body, the secret of good health lies in building healthy cells.
The mechanism of jogging, swimming, tennis, weight-lifting and most gym-training creates cellular stimulation in certain parts of the body by working particular muscles of the body against gravity or against another resistive force. At no time during the exercise cycle are all the cells of the body stimulated simultaneously. Such exercise is therefore partial. For this reason, keep fit programmes contain a number of different forms of exercise in order to strength and vitalise as many parts of the body as possible.

Rebounding Exercises Every Body Cell
When exercise is performed on a spring-mat of a rebounder, however, the situation becomes very different. The body is experiencing the combined forces of gravity, acceleration and deceleration as a single rhythmically changing force, exerted simultaneously on every cell of the body.
At the top of the bounce, the rapid deceleration combines with the force of gravity create a stimulation to the body cells of up to twice the force of gravity. It is for this reason that the NASA scientists have researched the power of rebounding exercise, declaring it to be the most efficient form of exercise yet devised by man.
This rhythmic, simultaneous stimulation of every body cell has been shown by physiologists and trainers to provide remarkable effects. When cells are stressed or exercised below the point of rupture, they become strong, well toned; when they have little work to perform, their condition degenerates and they atrophy. The body's strength results from the combined overall strength of trillions of cells.
Rebounding Increases Muscular Strength
Rebound exercise thus creates muscular, tissue and organ strength through the stressing effect of each cell created by the changing of gravitational, accelerating and decelerating forces, rather than by the work-orientated aspect of most other form of exercise. Very often we do not immediately grasp the fact that muscular strength can be developed not only by work or by using the muscle, but also by the gentle stressing of gravitational rebounding.
The factor has an additional advantage too, in that work-orientated, stress-stimulated exercises such as jogging, swimming etc, can over-stress areas of the body, resulting in structural injuries. Consider for example, the back, tendon and knee problem of runners and joggers who continually land on a hard, unyielding surface. With bouncing, the cells are stimulated without the sudden stresses that can result in injuries. It is for similar reasons that bouncing is being used in remedial exercise after accidents and injuries to help promote strength and healing. Even just sitting on a bouncer and rhythmically moving up and down is of benefit in cases where more strenuous movement is impossible or ill-advised. Bouncing is therefore found to be of great assistance for exercising in older people or in rebuilding strength after injuries or operations. They are frequently recommended by physiotherapists and are used extensively in rehabilitation centres.
Rebounding Stimulates
Lymphatic Elimination of Cellular Toxinsand Waste Materials

Our body cells are in a continual state of renewal. Some like the red blood cells last only 24 hours. Others last longer, even many years. The brain cells do not renew themselves - we simply have innumerable spare ones to replace those that die. It is thought, however, that running out of spare cells is one of the causes of senility and the slowness and loss of memory often associated with old age. Modern research does point out that although dead brain cells cannot be brought back to function, the remaining cells can be stimulated to grow new interconnections.
Just as it is necessary for normal healthy cells to get nutrients and oxygen, it is also vital for the excretory waste products of the cells to be taken away. This transport of toxins away from the cells into the bloodstream and out through the kidney, skin and lungs is accomplished initially through the lymph system. Lymph and its associated lymphocytes (cells that are an integral part of the immune system) is the fluid which bathes all the cells of the body. It is a loosely structured system that extends throughout the body, but does contain tubules and valves like the circulatory system.
Rhythmic bouncing helps to move toxins out of the cells into the lymph fluid and thence into the blood stream, on their way for excretion and elimination from the body. The presence of unreleased and accumulated toxins lead to cell degeneration, disease and deposits. While bouncing, the flap-like one-way valves within the lymphatic tubules are stimulated and works to enhance the flow of lymph throughout the body. This result in better removal of toxin from the body and also give the immune system a boost.
Call us today (65) 6270 3929 for a special Offer Package below.
With a purchase of the Soft-bounce "Probounder 2000" model at S$680, you also enjoy the following free bonuses as long as stocks last:
1. Free carrying bag for the folding Probounder
2. Free VCD - Health and beyond through rebound exercise by David Hall, certified reboundologist OR a classic presentation by Albert Carter, the father of Reboundology
3. Free book, Rebounding to better health by Linda Brooks, certified reboundologist
4. Free delivery to any address on Singapore main island
5. Special 20% discount for purchase of balancing bar (that's recommended as an optional safety device for children, old folks & special exercises that requires balancing aid)
In addition, you also get the following offer:
a) S$630 per unit for purchase of 2 units. Recommend a friend to buy it with you. You save S$50
b) S$600 per unit for purchase of 3 units. Recommend 2 friends to buy it with you. You save S$80


Art in My Life

After my tertiary education in 1966 I plunged into the business world and set up a printing company. It was not until 1983 when I became financial stable that I took a 3-year leave from business and enrolled full-time with the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts to pursue my passion in fine art.

Upon completion of a western and Chinese art course, I took part in many local art exhibitions. I was invited by the Modern Art Society to join as a member. That provided a platform for me to take part to many local and international exhibitions.

In 1989 I went back to my printing business and carried on with art during my leisure.

I have posted some of my artworks on an on-line Art Gallery and you are invited to drop by at the following link to visit my

Enjoy !

Tachyon Energy - A New Paradigm in Holistic Healing

Tachyon Energy - the future is here

YOU CAN LEARN to heal. USE Tachyon to transform your lives. Some of the applications are:

1. trauma and emotional release
2. pain in any part of the body brought about by stress, arthritis, injuries or sports.
3. enhance immunity
4. relief any form of illness and disease
5. protection from, and neutralisation of EMFs from handphones and electrical devices at home, at work and while travelling

Some background information
Eastern mysticism and quantum physics are of parallel viewpoint that the material universe is nothing more than a dense form of energy. Everything that exists in the universe, from the must subtle and refined to the grossest and densest, is aligned in an energetic continuum. Our bodies are a perfect example of this. We have several levels of subtle bodies, besides the physical, through which energy flows from the most subtle to the physical. This energy comes from the Source, which has been known as the Divine, the Spirit or Cosmic Energy, among other names. In modem physics it is known as Zero Point Energy or Free Energy.

Source of Everything
It is important to note that Zero Point Energy is not a particular form of energy. For short of a better explanation, it can be understood as the source of everything. All realms of subtle energies are part of the energy continuum.

Tachyon energy is the very first energetic structure that emerges out of this non-structured, virtually formless Zero Point Energy. A close analogy is to view a Tachyon particle as a drop of water from the formless ocean of this Zero Point Energy. Just like Zero Point Energy, Tachyon is not limited to a certain frequency. Tachyon Energy, in fact, cannot be measured in the Hertzian frequency spectrum. It has, in itself, stored all knowledge that is needed to create a perfect energy continuum in every individualized form of life. In other words, everything that goes on in the human body is already encoded in Tachyon Energy, in perfect form.

Animals in Nature

Animals that are not influenced by humans have a perfectly healthy life. Mammals, for example, have a life span that is up to 7 times their growth period. For a human, that would mean 140 years of healthy life. Of the 40,000 chronic and degenerative diseases that are known to human medicine, only 5 are known to wild animals.

Nature is nearly perfect and such is the characteristic of Tachyon Energy. The only thing needed for us to be perfectly healthy and balanced is to have a free flow in our own energetic continuum. In other words, we would need to be superconductors for Tachyon Energy flowing through all the layers of our subtle bodies, into the physical cells and organising the entire metabolism in a perfectly balanced way, the way we are meant to function.

Human Blockage
However, unlike animals, human beings have acquired certain attitudes that can result in the interference of the free flow of Tachyon Energy. This creates blockages in the subtle (mental and emotional) bodies that prevent the flow of energy eventually to the physical body. This is why our psychological states affect our physical conditions. Significant blockages in the subtle bodies will therefore result disease in the physical body.

There are many frequency orientated energy therapy systems created to correct or remove energy blockages in the subtle bodies. But in general, all energetic frequency therapies are subjected to two limitations.

Limitation of Frequency Therapy

Firstly, all these energies are limited to a certain frequency. Photon energy, for example, is between 16 and 32 mew meters which fall within a certain spectrum range of the auric field of our subtle body layers. Provided we have blockages between the frequency range of 16 and 32 mew metres, photon energy, if applied correctly, will be of benefit. However, if our problem lie in a different frequency range, application of photon energy might help a little indirectly. But the problem will not be cleared at its root.

Another limitation is that, if we do not need a particular frequency, such energy can also be harmful. For example, orgone energy can heal, but orgone energy can also make you sick. It requires knowledge and experience to use these subtle energy devices safely and correctly.

On the other hand, Tachyon Energy is totally different as it includes all energies in itself.

Tachyon gives what the body needs
It is non-specific and does not have any effect in and of itself. What Tachyon does is give our bodies whatever affects they need. And since our bodies are incredibly intelligent, they always produce the effects that are beneficial to them.

Another important advantage of Tachyon Energy is the speed with which it travels. All other energies travel below the speed of light and experience a gravitational pull that makes them attract each other and stick together. This changes and alters the energies in their specific effects. Thus all forms of subtle energies used in energetic therapy can be influenced, for example, by thoughts and feelings.

Not affected by Gravitational Pull
The ability to travel faster than the speed of light means that Tachyon experience no gravitational pull and it cannot stick to anything or any form of any energy. And no energy can stick to Tachyon. Thus no matter how negative our thoughts and emotions are, they cannot influence and alter Tachyon energy and its ability to give us access to Zero Point energy or the Source. So, potentially, all problems we have, physical, emotional, mental or spiritual can be positively affected by Tachyon energy.

No Side Effects
Another wonderful aspect of using only the source energy is that we do not have to deal with unwanted side effects. Even if too much Tachyon energy has been applied to certain part of the body, no negative outcome will be experienced. Some detoxification or healing reaction may occur, thus we cannot forcefully apply Tachyon for a certain specific effect, but rather let the body produce its own healing. Tachyon energy is simple a natural catalyst for this self-healing process.

Attunement with Cosmic Energy
Tachyon energy, so to speak, is a way of complete attunement to all that is. Taking into account that everything that exist is an energy continiuum, being healthy would simply mean to be a super conductor or a free flowing channel of this life intelligence emerging out of this Zero Point energy. Complete attunement then, would mean radiant health and being in harmony with all that is.

Well known in the Yoga philosophy, Attunement is a concept that was first introduced to the western world by Parmahansa Yogananda in the 1920s. It simply means the ability of an organised system to attune itself to and thus have access to a particular form of energy. The better our attunement with the cosmic zero point energy and its inherent perfect life intelligence, the more likely we are able to evolve into higher physical, mental and emotional order and balance with spiritual growth and radiant health.

Tachyon energy actually enables us to attune ourselves constantly with the universal life force, the zero point energy. This applies to the reorganisation of a little cell, a DNA, a particular molecule, a hormone, gland or organ in our body and to our entire spirit-mind-body complex.

Finally, and this is the biggest difference compared to other forms of energy, the effects of Tachyon energy are truly unlimited. Of course, the effects are produced not by Tachyon, but by our own being, our own complex body, mind and spirit. So as to how dramatic, how transformative and how deep these effects go depend on our willingness to change and our readiness for a higher order and balance.

What to expect from using Tachyon

The use of Tachyon products usually result in a natural detoxification, increased absorption of available vitamins and minerals, increased energy for physical activities, increased awareness of subtle energies, increased brain function, increased circulation and exceptional improvement in athletic abilities and speedy recovery from injuries and pain.

When athletes use these products they notice a significant decrease of fatigue allowing for increased performance. When Tachyonised cells are used directly over a troublesome area, researchers, practitioners
and those who treat themselves all over the world have noticed an amazingly quick reduction of symptoms due to the body's natural utilisation of Tachyon's balancing energy. Only when an area is balanced can the body's natural healing abilities be effective. The revolutionary Tachyon products serve as effective tools to assist you in achieving balance and over-coming the negative effects of our modern world that result from herbicides, pesticides, toxins in the air and water, stress, electromagnetic fields (EMFs), ozone depletion etc.

The Science of Tachyonization

Tachyon energy was defined by Gerald Feinberg in 1966 as a faster-than-light subatomic particle. Since the late 1800s, however, scientists from around the world had been working on free energy devices that actually made use of Tachyon.

Nikola Tesla was successful in the creation of a car that ran on an invisible, undetectable (Tachyon) energy source. Dr Henry Moray was also successful in creating energy converters that used this free energy.

Today most scientists working on the free energy devices are working on the conversion of Tachyon energy into electrical energy that can be used to operate automobiles, electrical appliances, light bulbs, etc.

Rather than converting the energy into electricity, David Wagner of California, USA, developed the modern hi-tech process known as Tachyonization which utilizes a hybrid chamber married to a Directional Zero Point Actuator. This unit is then connected using an ingenious advanced coupling system in the core of a free energy machine.

This innovation allowed Wagner to be the first inventor in history to achieve a directional restructuring of natural materials, creating permanent Tachyon antennas. Researches have proven that the Tachyonisation process can permanently alter almost any natural material like silk, cotton, liquid, silica, natural herbs and plants, etc. The possibilities for balancing our world are truly endless.

There is a whole range of Tachyon products that can be applied to any therapy in health care, healing, balancing, sports performance, pain, injuries, protection from electro-magnetic fields and maintaining youth. The applications are endless.

Private workshops for the use of Tachyon
You can request for a private session to learn how to use Tachyon tools for yourself, your loved ones or if you are a therapist, to help enhance the treatments for your clients in any areas of therapies.

Compiled by
Peter Choo
nutritionist, lymphologist, Tachyon energy practitioner
Tel: 65-6270 3929

You can access the main Tachyon website by clicking on:

To purchase and try some Tachyon products without joining as a distributor, contact me at (65)6270 3929 or email me at

"Living Food"

Return to Paradise - an abstract
by David Wolfe

Every culture seems to have a story about how human life began on Earth. Most describe a place where humans lived in harmony with the plants and animals. While living this way, the stories indicate that, humans experienced happiness and peace.

These stories often indicate that everything was in harmony -- until something happened. Some stories tell of a great flood, others tell of humans gaining an understanding of good and evil, still others tell of a shift in Earth's alignment, a few even tell of some godly or spiritual powers that drastically changed the state of life on Earth.

Those, like myself, who follow a balanced, thoughtful raw-food vegan diet, believe that the great change in human life occurred after humans discovered fire, and then began cooking food.

The tremendous amount of time and energy people spend to cook food, the use of massive resources to create today's cooked-food culture (with its billions of kitchens and restaurants), the construction of factories and shops all churning out cooked and processed foods, the packaging and wrappers involved in the whole cooked-food process, and the lack of life energy in cooked food are all major contributing factors in humanity's 'fall from grace'.

Humans are the only creatures on this planet who eat cooked food. No other creatures on this planet cook or tamper with their food in any way. All animals living in the wild eat their food raw and, almost always, fresh. Only domesticated animals eat cooked and processed foods, served to them by humans.

Cooked and processed foods are artificial. The cooking and processing of foods has become so common that most of us do not even question it. The assumption that cooked and processed foods are natural is just an assumption. Most people do not know for sure, because they have never tried a balanced raw-food approach. Einstein once said: "The essential is to get rid of deeply rooted prejudices, which we often repeat without examining them."

Here is a visual experiment to consider: Feed a tribe of gorillas a diet of coffee, donuts, and other processed human foods for a few years. Let us just watch what happens. Even a child would laugh at the silliness of animals eating such concoctions. Or consider, a herd of deer who, instead of eating their grass raw, decide to collect it and boil it in a giant cauldron. Picture what would happen in that situation!

What is it that constitutes the basis of human nourishment? Is it pills and supplements flowing out of the roaring jaws of factories? Is it the flesh of animals being churned out by combinations of torturous factory farms and horrific slaughterhouses? Is it the milk of cows naturally intended for baby calves? Is it cooked and processed foods containing dyes, flavors, and preservatives?


The basis of human nourishment is obvious: it is raw plant foods. And Nature presents this to us in abundance. Raw plant foods are simple, easy to find, fun to eat, enjoyable, contain thousands of health-giving nutrients, and conform to the biological design of the human digestive system. The sun is the source of all life and raw plant foods represent the purest form of transformed sun energy.

When one eats a bag of corn chips, the wrapper goes into a landfill. When one eats an orange, the wrapper (peel) becomes compost. When one follows a raw-plant-food lifestyle, the amount of trash produced by that individual decreases to almost nothing. Test for yourself and see. Cooked food and pollution are directly related.

An individual who eats the typical foods found in so-called "civilized society" who then changes to a raw-plant-food diet can discover health as they have never known. Eating a balanced mix of raw plants restores the body on a molecular level, building strong cells, radically naturalizing the body, raising alkalinity, and grounding the person in the natural world. Of course, the body resists shocking changes and everyone should ease into the raw-food approach at an appropriate pace. Also, everyone should educate themselves on this amazing subject by reading raw-food books, and attending lectures, so that the common mistakes are avoided.

As the months and years pass, a person switching to a raw-plant-food diet may notice a greater awareness of the spiritual world, become more intuitive, and feel natural powers they have never experienced (or did not know they had). One will find oneself having more fun in a garden than a movie theatre. A profound new connection will arise with plants and animals.

Every person is a work of art in progress. Either one can become progressively more beautiful, or one can follow the fate civilization has set out -- mis-education, wage slavery, decay, illness, and an untimely death. Each action one takes determines which of these two destinies will be achieved.

What we eat helps to guide our path. Eating determines what level of health our body will experience. Every bite of food put into the body should add to our strength, spirituality and beauty. Each meal becomes part of who we are at the deepest level.

"You are what you eat" is a cosmic law. Everybody knows the saying -- everybody! It is a concept that has been known in every culture and civilization throughout history. It is written into the fabric of the universe. It is a simple law of Nature that should be remembered each day, and at each meal. Those who wish to heal themselves and the planet, should eat the most healing foods.

For me, "healing foods" means quality, organic, home-grown, or wild foods in their raw natural state. I have found that following this principle is not only the simplest way to choose what I eat, but is simply the best way to bring about good health and spiritual transformation. Because of this, I have made my life's work a study of how to help as many people as possible succeed and prosper with the raw-food lifestyle.

I encourage anyone who wishes to experience the bounties of Nature to delve into eating what Nature has provided us. That is: raw plant foods. I encourage people to learn about what plants are most edible, to learn a new way of living, to experience the incredible health Nature will give to you by accepting the foods she provides, and to live a life in harmony with the plants and animals. By doing so, you may experience and reclaim your own little bit of paradise!

David Wolfe is the author of The Sunfood Diet Success System, and co-author of the book Nature¹s First Law: The Raw Food Diet.

My 'Religion' or Spiritual path

Deep within me, I know the need for a 'master' or a 'saviour' who can guide and show the way. I went through many paths and over a period of half a century became a student of many spiritual teachings. What I learned and experienced have prepared me for the final embrace of my current path and belief.

A brief outline to the central teaching of this path may be appropriate here if you care to know. Practitioners or followers practice and believe the following

1. Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance are the characteristics of the universe
2. Cultivation of the above to raise the level of our 'heart nature' or moral/ethical standards
3. The purpose of Life on earth is to find our way home where we originated from
4. Genuine cultivation is a process of letting go of attachments of the mind to all worldly things and ideas which are all but transient
5. Practice the Five Physical Cultivation Exercises as set down by the Master, to help transform the body

We have a Master, a high enlightened being who is able to assist us to help transform our lives and purify our physical bodies if we choose to follow his teachings and to stay conscientiously on the path.

We carry on our daily lives conforming to all the norms of society. Genuine practitioners are law abiding citizens who come from all walks of life.

The central teaching of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance and the dramatic changes and benefits it brought to practitioners all over the world has resulted in Falun Dafa being welcomed in more than 80 countries today. Unfortunately in Singapore, my homeland, most people have been mislead by the propaganda of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) which uses China's mass media and national resources to persecute and defame Falun Dafa in China. The CCP also target Singapore and other countries throughout the world to tarnish the image of Falun Dafa.

Falun Dafa is a high-level cultivation Qigong. It is legal and is registered and approved in Singapore since 1996. Minister Mentor Lee, when asked about Falun Dafa during a visit to the USA in Nov 2006 said,"No problem with Falun Gong in Singapore, it enjoys freedom."

My intention is not to propagate Falun Dafa here, but I need to clarify the truth to prevent decent people from being mislead by political propaganda of the CCP. This may give rise to cultural, racial and religious disharmony amongst Singaporeans.

If you wish to know why Falun Dafa is being persecuted and discredited, log on to the Singapore site and click Truth on the navigation panel. You may also wish to log on to the international site:

Cancer: Cause and Cure

Percy Weston, an Australian sheep farmer, chemist and two-time cancer survivor has found the cause and cure for Cancer on his farm.

Percy, like most modern farmers everywhere, used super-phosphates from the 1930s to the 1950s. He noticed his sheep (confirmed by his vet) having cancerous growths. Later he and his wife also had cancer. He cured them all and at 98 is living proof that "Everybody can beat cancer without expensive drugs, hospitalisation and doctors, just like I have."

His CURE: Re-dressing the imbalance of minerals due to food contaminated with super-phosphates. This is done by changing one's diet and supplementing with a formulation comprising alkaline mineral salts and vitamins - "Percy's Powder", which is now being refined and is commercially known as Rhomanga. For more information, e-mail: or call (65) 6270 3929.

For more background information on Percy's concept, read on..

The widespread commercial and domestic use of artificial phosphate fertilisers such as super-phosphate upsets the balance of nature by introducing into the food chain too much phosphorus while inhibiting the uptake of essential metallic elements. And, meanwhile, intensive farming practices deplete the soil of essential minerals such as iron, zinc, and cobalt needed by the body in trace amounts.

When the major minerals that the body needs for biochemical processes are not present in sufficient quantities and correct ratios in our foods, chronic and life-threatening diseases can develop. More than 150 separate diseases have been identified as due to a deficiency of calcium, a mineral amply supplied in many vegetables and fruits grown the organic way.

Among its many functions in the body, calcium interacts with phosphorus to preserve the blood’s acid-base balance, and in the presence of magnesium to make bones and teeth.

Phosphorus inhibits the absorption of calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc by forming insoluble salts in the alkaline environment of the small intestine. Phosphate intoxication has been found to block the production of the neurotransmitter, norepinephrine, causing brain dysfunction. The body’s calcium metabolism is controlled solely by the level of phosphate in the blood, and so excess phosphorus in the diet can trigger the removal of calcium from the bones, even if they are already deficient in calcium.

Rhomanga is a dietary supplement which when taken once a day has a similar affect as the mineral powder, first developed by farmer Percy Weston in the 1940’s, that helped to cure cancer in his animals and himself. The formulation has been further refined by him, as a means of "curbing phosphoric activity" in the body. For a small investment, you can now correct the acid-base imbalance of the food you eat and head off those debilitating diseases. A daily dose of rhomanga in conjunction with a diet rich in fresh vegatables and fruits is life-enhancing.

Each tablet of rhomanga incorporates Percy Weston’s ratio of the essential minerals magnesium, potassium, iron, manganese and zinc in soluble sulphates form that resist bacteria, enhanced by cyanocobalamin (Vit B12) containing cobalt, flavinoids, thiamine hydrochloride, folic acid, sodium ascorbate (Vit C), pyridoxine and Vitamin E succinates. Sodium also is present as bicarbonate. The tablet should be taken with plenty of water, and at least once a week at night before sleep.

For people suffering from Cancer, take 2 a day for 7 to 10 days, after which 1 a day may be taken for maintenance. Rhomanga does not interfere with any other therapy

More background information

Rhomanga – an answer to a more balanced body.
The longer life expectancy of people living in Asia and the world today seem to go hand in hand with a poorer quality of life due to an accelerating incidence of degenerative and debilitating diseases such as cancer, arthritis, stroke, diabetes, asthma and hypertension.

In spite of the abundance of food made possible by the mechanization of agriculture and the chemical control of insect pests, new diseases have flourished and we seem to have just become better managers of illness. What is the cause of our malaise that keeps the medical profession so busy and the hospitals so full?

Decades of research by chemist, farmer and health authority, Percy Weston of Australia, has revealed the answer that begins down on the farm at the source of the food supply.

The interaction between the minerals of the soil is complex, but certain basic rules apply: Adding phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) may greatly increase the availability of magnesium to plant life if the soil is not too acidic. On the other hand, the presence of P and N will suppress the uptake of other essential metallic minerals in the soil (iron, potassium, copper and zinc by the presence of P, and potassium and boron by the presence of N) in a process known as antagonism. Rapid release chemical fertilizers accelerate this process of locking out other minerals.

Farmers know they can get lush crops with a few macro-minerals. So, to maximum yield, they pour on PKN fertilizers (phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen) year after year, at the expense of other minerals that scientists now know are essential for human and animal biochemistry and well-being. The crisis of nutritional-deficiency diseases is well documented by researchers in learned journals. The crisis worsens each year in terms of spending on drugs, doctors and hospitals without success. On the personal level, one can grow or buy so called organic foods knowing these are likely to contain more nutrients. Where these are not available, one can use life food supplements to ensure optimum supply of vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids and fatty acids.

One aspect of food that has a vital bearing on health is its mineral balance or acid-base content. We are indebted to Percy Weston for his advice for designing a food table that shows the mineral balance of common foods in terms of phosphorus versus the rest (mainly sodium, calcium, potassium and magnesium). Foods with the highest percentage of phosphorus (coloured red) do not have enough minerals to balance phosphorus in bio-chemical reactions. Such diets can upset the finely tuned pH value of the blood (normally 7.35 to 7.45). A too acid cell environment can lead to an accumulation of toxin, with a high concentration of carbon dioxide at the expense of oxygen. In phosphate-sensitive individuals, a high intake of phosphate can drive the metabolism to a higher state of alkalinity, interfering with hormone activity.

Foods with better mineral values are coloured green (for "go") in the food table. One needs to eat more of these foods to assist in oxygenation and excretion of harmful wastes. Keeping an eye on mineral values in the food table is very relevant for cancer sufferers, since an excess of phosphorus feeds tumour growth. It is just as important to avoid processed foods to which phosphates have been added, as buffer solutions, emulsifiers, stabilisers, thickeners, etc.

A practical suggestion from Percy is that farmers could replace super-phosphates with slow release rock phosphates in soils depleted of phosphorus. This more than anything, he says in his book Cancer: Cause & Cure, would stem the tide of cancer and other modern diseases by rationing the phosphate available to plants to more natural levels. Eliminating chlorine-based sprays and organo-phosphates in general would also improve the health of the food chain.

Percy Weston believes he only got to 98 years of age by protecting himself for 60 years against acid-forming foods loaded with chlorine and phosphorus. His method, which he credits with curing cancer, is to choose food for its mineral balance and to supplement with a good sprinkling of powdered alkaline mineral in exact ratio, as a blood tonic. Today Percy’s Powder is the basis for the rhomanga tablets which are now available for your personal use as a blood tonic.

Contact us (65 6270 3929) to get your Rhomanga. Percy's book is also available

How to stop any Infection

MoRE (Molecular Repair Essentials) for Heart health and prevention of infection

For a number of years, drug companies have proposed a poly pill- one pill to treat a number of different symptoms. Doctors have resisted, being concerned about side effects. As you know, side effects to pharmaceutical drugs are now the #4 killer in the United States.

Final taste tests are now underway with an omni drink- one drink, the components of which have proven so effective yet so safe, drug companies aspire to accomplish similar benefits.

Its effectiveness is easier understood from an historical perspective for now. The scientific and clinical proof will be supplied later. Recently, studies were conducted in which large groups of people were given the equivalent of ¼ tsp (400 mg) of innocent looking powder daily. Another group was given a placebo. Some years into the study, the white powder was found to extend life expectancy by an average of six years. We will never know how long a full teaspoon would extend life because the study was abruptly ended before its intended term. In essence, the group receiving the placebo was being cheated out of six years of life. The powder was immediately made available to all participants.

For some years, informed people have been treating herpes outbreaks (cold sores) with a basic protein complex. It is important to remember at this point that herpes is a virus. We'll come back to this fact.

Next we will discuss a current weight loss rage was proven years ago to be a very potent anti-oxidant.

Through the years, people taking these 3 protocols simply didn't get sick. They didn't have colds or flu or hay fever or asthma or breast cancer among others.

Recently, the reason for this phenomenon has been proven scientifically.

The human body is held together by a glue called collagen. Common examples of collagen are tendons, ligaments, the skin, the iris and cornea of the eye, blood vessel walls, etc. This collagen matrix is like a highway system throughout the body, and all diseases spread traveling these roads.

The culprit for this spreading action is a collagen-dissolving enzyme.

Take, for example, the herpes virus we mentioned earlier, (or the West Nile virus, or the SARS virus, or the rhino virus, or Asian flu virus, or any bacteria or infection - any pathogen - they all spread in the same way). The virus enters a host cell via an enzyme that temporarily dissolves the cell wall. Once inside the cell, it changes the code or program of the cell, feeds on the nutrients within the cell, multiplies, re-dissolves an exit from that cell and an entrance to adjoining cells, and spreads exponentially.

This is a very simple explanation of a complex event. The solution is also simplified. Give the body what it needs to keep the enzyme neutralized, maintain the strength of the collagen walls, provide antioxidants to destroy the invaders and the body takes care of itself. That's the way God created it. As Dr. Larraine Day's title states, "You Can't Improve On God." The reader should note that no drugs such as antibiotics, which are helpless against viruses anyway, are mentioned. The key is what one prominent medical school in Oregon, U.S.A. terms Orthomolecular Medicine. It is prevention at the cellular level.

All of you readers who take buffered mineral ascorbates for extending life, lysine to prevent herpes outbreak and the polyphenol EGCG extracted from green tea now understand why you just don't get sick.

This is the first basic for ideal health. Once you have learnt all 3 basics, you can then apply deductive reasoning to any health problem that has heretofore created anguish for you.

Upon learning the scientific proof of this protocol, one doctor mused, "If everyone used this, we'd all have to go through the windshield of a car to die." In fact, anyone not using it would be an out and out fool. Thus, the name of the drink was originally known as No Fool I ( I ain't no fool.???) The formular is now known as MoRE or Molecular Repair Essentials.

Scientists estimate it was at least 10,000 years ago when some genetic fluke occurred in the human body and from that time forward we no longer manufactured ascorbates internally. There are thousands of species of animals on Earth and only four do not produce their own ascorbates. Many definable functions of the body require ascorbates and lack of them causes many disorders.

The main disorder caused by ascorbate deficiency is the world's #1 killer - heart disease. This lack causes tiny microscopic cracks in arteries. The condition is termed chronic or sub-clinical scurvy. The body has many defense mechanisms and brings one into play at this point here in the form of lipoprotein(a). This, as a paste, it smears into the cracks to prevent the body from bleeding to death internally. As time elapses, the cracks become more numerous and the paste or plaque thickens. Obviously, the diameter of the arteries becomes narrower and a normally innocent little platelet clump (clot) can now cause a heart attack or stroke. Thus, the ultimate problem was defined.

The solution seemed obvious. First, supply the body with the missing ascorbates in a form that it can use, and then find a way to clean out the accumulated plaque. Scientists have been successful in both cases.

Ascorbates come in many forms, the cheapest being ascorbic acid. However, even moderate quantities of this compound can produce discomfort, and this wasn't the type the scientists used.

MoRE is composed of three mineral ascorbates. The first is Sodium Ascorbate, because extra cellular fluids are rich in sodium. The second is Potassium Ascorbate, intra-cellular fluids are rich in potassium. The third is Calcium Ascorbate. The fourth is Magnesium Ascorbate. Two teaspoons contains three grams of these ascorbates.

MoRE is the basis for a number of different functions in the body, but for this discussion it is taken daily to heal the arterial cracks we discussed previously, and to prevent their recurrence.

The other part of the problem is the accumulation inside the arteries. Doctors Rath and Pauling expanded on the work of other Nobelists, Brown and Goldstein for the solution. Two amino acids, L-Lysine (3000mg) and L-Proline (500mg) contained in 2 teaspoons of MoRE prevent the arterioclerotic build-up and even reverse it.

Discovery of the 2nd code in the body, the protein code (the 1st was the DNA code), is just awesome. Dr. Rath's research revealed that once the body stores 1.1 pounds of aminos per 150 pounds body weight that no disease will spread through the body. He calls it a Teflon shield.

MoRE, Molecular Repair Essential, incorporating Proline and Lysine, Ascorbates and other elements is now available for your use. Call (65)6270 3929