
How to stop any Infection

MoRE (Molecular Repair Essentials) for Heart health and prevention of infection

For a number of years, drug companies have proposed a poly pill- one pill to treat a number of different symptoms. Doctors have resisted, being concerned about side effects. As you know, side effects to pharmaceutical drugs are now the #4 killer in the United States.

Final taste tests are now underway with an omni drink- one drink, the components of which have proven so effective yet so safe, drug companies aspire to accomplish similar benefits.

Its effectiveness is easier understood from an historical perspective for now. The scientific and clinical proof will be supplied later. Recently, studies were conducted in which large groups of people were given the equivalent of ¼ tsp (400 mg) of innocent looking powder daily. Another group was given a placebo. Some years into the study, the white powder was found to extend life expectancy by an average of six years. We will never know how long a full teaspoon would extend life because the study was abruptly ended before its intended term. In essence, the group receiving the placebo was being cheated out of six years of life. The powder was immediately made available to all participants.

For some years, informed people have been treating herpes outbreaks (cold sores) with a basic protein complex. It is important to remember at this point that herpes is a virus. We'll come back to this fact.

Next we will discuss a current weight loss rage was proven years ago to be a very potent anti-oxidant.

Through the years, people taking these 3 protocols simply didn't get sick. They didn't have colds or flu or hay fever or asthma or breast cancer among others.

Recently, the reason for this phenomenon has been proven scientifically.

The human body is held together by a glue called collagen. Common examples of collagen are tendons, ligaments, the skin, the iris and cornea of the eye, blood vessel walls, etc. This collagen matrix is like a highway system throughout the body, and all diseases spread traveling these roads.

The culprit for this spreading action is a collagen-dissolving enzyme.

Take, for example, the herpes virus we mentioned earlier, (or the West Nile virus, or the SARS virus, or the rhino virus, or Asian flu virus, or any bacteria or infection - any pathogen - they all spread in the same way). The virus enters a host cell via an enzyme that temporarily dissolves the cell wall. Once inside the cell, it changes the code or program of the cell, feeds on the nutrients within the cell, multiplies, re-dissolves an exit from that cell and an entrance to adjoining cells, and spreads exponentially.

This is a very simple explanation of a complex event. The solution is also simplified. Give the body what it needs to keep the enzyme neutralized, maintain the strength of the collagen walls, provide antioxidants to destroy the invaders and the body takes care of itself. That's the way God created it. As Dr. Larraine Day's title states, "You Can't Improve On God." The reader should note that no drugs such as antibiotics, which are helpless against viruses anyway, are mentioned. The key is what one prominent medical school in Oregon, U.S.A. terms Orthomolecular Medicine. It is prevention at the cellular level.

All of you readers who take buffered mineral ascorbates for extending life, lysine to prevent herpes outbreak and the polyphenol EGCG extracted from green tea now understand why you just don't get sick.

This is the first basic for ideal health. Once you have learnt all 3 basics, you can then apply deductive reasoning to any health problem that has heretofore created anguish for you.

Upon learning the scientific proof of this protocol, one doctor mused, "If everyone used this, we'd all have to go through the windshield of a car to die." In fact, anyone not using it would be an out and out fool. Thus, the name of the drink was originally known as No Fool I ( I ain't no fool.???) The formular is now known as MoRE or Molecular Repair Essentials.

Scientists estimate it was at least 10,000 years ago when some genetic fluke occurred in the human body and from that time forward we no longer manufactured ascorbates internally. There are thousands of species of animals on Earth and only four do not produce their own ascorbates. Many definable functions of the body require ascorbates and lack of them causes many disorders.

The main disorder caused by ascorbate deficiency is the world's #1 killer - heart disease. This lack causes tiny microscopic cracks in arteries. The condition is termed chronic or sub-clinical scurvy. The body has many defense mechanisms and brings one into play at this point here in the form of lipoprotein(a). This, as a paste, it smears into the cracks to prevent the body from bleeding to death internally. As time elapses, the cracks become more numerous and the paste or plaque thickens. Obviously, the diameter of the arteries becomes narrower and a normally innocent little platelet clump (clot) can now cause a heart attack or stroke. Thus, the ultimate problem was defined.

The solution seemed obvious. First, supply the body with the missing ascorbates in a form that it can use, and then find a way to clean out the accumulated plaque. Scientists have been successful in both cases.

Ascorbates come in many forms, the cheapest being ascorbic acid. However, even moderate quantities of this compound can produce discomfort, and this wasn't the type the scientists used.

MoRE is composed of three mineral ascorbates. The first is Sodium Ascorbate, because extra cellular fluids are rich in sodium. The second is Potassium Ascorbate, intra-cellular fluids are rich in potassium. The third is Calcium Ascorbate. The fourth is Magnesium Ascorbate. Two teaspoons contains three grams of these ascorbates.

MoRE is the basis for a number of different functions in the body, but for this discussion it is taken daily to heal the arterial cracks we discussed previously, and to prevent their recurrence.

The other part of the problem is the accumulation inside the arteries. Doctors Rath and Pauling expanded on the work of other Nobelists, Brown and Goldstein for the solution. Two amino acids, L-Lysine (3000mg) and L-Proline (500mg) contained in 2 teaspoons of MoRE prevent the arterioclerotic build-up and even reverse it.

Discovery of the 2nd code in the body, the protein code (the 1st was the DNA code), is just awesome. Dr. Rath's research revealed that once the body stores 1.1 pounds of aminos per 150 pounds body weight that no disease will spread through the body. He calls it a Teflon shield.

MoRE, Molecular Repair Essential, incorporating Proline and Lysine, Ascorbates and other elements is now available for your use. Call (65)6270 3929

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