Tachyon Energy - the future is here
YOU CAN LEARN to heal. USE Tachyon to transform your lives. Some of the applications are:1. trauma and emotional release
2. pain in any part of the body brought about by stress, arthritis, injuries or sports.
3. enhance immunity
4. relief any form of illness and disease
5. protection from, and neutralisation of EMFs from handphones and electrical devices at home, at work and while travelling
Some background information
Eastern mysticism and quantum physics are of parallel viewpoint that the material universe is nothing more than a dense form of energy. Everything that exists in the universe, from the must subtle and refined to the grossest and densest, is aligned in an energetic continuum. Our bodies are a perfect example of this. We have several levels of subtle bodies, besides the physical, through which energy flows from the most subtle to the physical. This energy comes from the Source, which has been known as the Divine, the Spirit or Cosmic Energy, among other names. In modem physics it is known as Zero Point Energy or Free Energy.
Source of Everything
It is important to note that Zero Point Energy is not a particular form of energy. For short of a better explanation, it can be understood as the source of everything. All realms of subtle energies are part of the energy continuum.
Tachyon energy is the very first energetic structure that emerges out of this non-structured, virtually formless Zero Point Energy. A close analogy is to view a Tachyon particle as a drop of water from the formless ocean of this Zero Point Energy. Just like Zero Point Energy, Tachyon is not limited to a certain frequency. Tachyon Energy, in fact, cannot be measured in the Hertzian frequency spectrum. It has, in itself, stored all knowledge that is needed to create a perfect energy continuum in every individualized form of life. In other words, everything that goes on in the human body is already encoded in Tachyon Energy, in perfect form.
Animals in Nature
Animals that are not influenced by humans have a perfectly healthy life. Mammals, for example, have a life span that is up to 7 times their growth period. For a human, that would mean 140 years of healthy life. Of the 40,000 chronic and degenerative diseases that are known to human medicine, only 5 are known to wild animals.
Nature is nearly perfect and such is the characteristic of Tachyon Energy. The only thing needed for us to be perfectly healthy and balanced is to have a free flow in our own energetic continuum. In other words, we would need to be superconductors for Tachyon Energy flowing through all the layers of our subtle bodies, into the physical cells and organising the entire metabolism in a perfectly balanced way, the way we are meant to function.
Human Blockage
However, unlike animals, human beings have acquired certain attitudes that can result in the interference of the free flow of Tachyon Energy. This creates blockages in the subtle (mental and emotional) bodies that prevent the flow of energy eventually to the physical body. This is why our psychological states affect our physical conditions. Significant blockages in the subtle bodies will therefore result disease in the physical body.
There are many frequency orientated energy therapy systems created to correct or remove energy blockages in the subtle bodies. But in general, all energetic frequency therapies are subjected to two limitations.
Limitation of Frequency Therapy
Firstly, all these energies are limited to a certain frequency. Photon energy, for example, is between 16 and 32 mew meters which fall within a certain spectrum range of the auric field of our subtle body layers. Provided we have blockages between the frequency range of 16 and 32 mew metres, photon energy, if applied correctly, will be of benefit. However, if our problem lie in a different frequency range, application of photon energy might help a little indirectly. But the problem will not be cleared at its root.
Another limitation is that, if we do not need a particular frequency, such energy can also be harmful. For example, orgone energy can heal, but orgone energy can also make you sick. It requires knowledge and experience to use these subtle energy devices safely and correctly.
On the other hand, Tachyon Energy is totally different as it includes all energies in itself.
Tachyon gives what the body needs
It is non-specific and does not have any effect in and of itself. What Tachyon does is give our bodies whatever affects they need. And since our bodies are incredibly intelligent, they always produce the effects that are beneficial to them.
Another important advantage of Tachyon Energy is the speed with which it travels. All other energies travel below the speed of light and experience a gravitational pull that makes them attract each other and stick together. This changes and alters the energies in their specific effects. Thus all forms of subtle energies used in energetic therapy can be influenced, for example, by thoughts and feelings.
Not affected by Gravitational Pull
The ability to travel faster than the speed of light means that Tachyon experience no gravitational pull and it cannot stick to anything or any form of any energy. And no energy can stick to Tachyon. Thus no matter how negative our thoughts and emotions are, they cannot influence and alter Tachyon energy and its ability to give us access to Zero Point energy or the Source. So, potentially, all problems we have, physical, emotional, mental or spiritual can be positively affected by Tachyon energy.
No Side Effects
Another wonderful aspect of using only the source energy is that we do not have to deal with unwanted side effects. Even if too much Tachyon energy has been applied to certain part of the body, no negative outcome will be experienced. Some detoxification or healing reaction may occur, thus we cannot forcefully apply Tachyon for a certain specific effect, but rather let the body produce its own healing. Tachyon energy is simple a natural catalyst for this self-healing process.
Attunement with Cosmic Energy
Tachyon energy, so to speak, is a way of complete attunement to all that is. Taking into account that everything that exist is an energy continiuum, being healthy would simply mean to be a super conductor or a free flowing channel of this life intelligence emerging out of this Zero Point energy. Complete attunement then, would mean radiant health and being in harmony with all that is.
Well known in the Yoga philosophy, Attunement is a concept that was first introduced to the western world by Parmahansa Yogananda in the 1920s. It simply means the ability of an organised system to attune itself to and thus have access to a particular form of energy. The better our attunement with the cosmic zero point energy and its inherent perfect life intelligence, the more likely we are able to evolve into higher physical, mental and emotional order and balance with spiritual growth and radiant health.
Tachyon energy actually enables us to attune ourselves constantly with the universal life force, the zero point energy. This applies to the reorganisation of a little cell, a DNA, a particular molecule, a hormone, gland or organ in our body and to our entire spirit-mind-body complex.
Finally, and this is the biggest difference compared to other forms of energy, the effects of Tachyon energy are truly unlimited. Of course, the effects are produced not by Tachyon, but by our own being, our own complex body, mind and spirit. So as to how dramatic, how transformative and how deep these effects go depend on our willingness to change and our readiness for a higher order and balance.
What to expect from using Tachyon
The use of Tachyon products usually result in a natural detoxification, increased absorption of available vitamins and minerals, increased energy for physical activities, increased awareness of subtle energies, increased brain function, increased circulation and exceptional improvement in athletic abilities and speedy recovery from injuries and pain.
When athletes use these products they notice a significant decrease of fatigue allowing for increased performance. When Tachyonised cells are used directly over a troublesome area, researchers, practitioners
and those who treat themselves all over the world have noticed an amazingly quick reduction of symptoms due to the body's natural utilisation of Tachyon's balancing energy. Only when an area is balanced can the body's natural healing abilities be effective. The revolutionary Tachyon products serve as effective tools to assist you in achieving balance and over-coming the negative effects of our modern world that result from herbicides, pesticides, toxins in the air and water, stress, electromagnetic fields (EMFs), ozone depletion etc.
The Science of Tachyonization
Tachyon energy was defined by Gerald Feinberg in 1966 as a faster-than-light subatomic particle. Since the late 1800s, however, scientists from around the world had been working on free energy devices that actually made use of Tachyon.
Nikola Tesla was successful in the creation of a car that ran on an invisible, undetectable (Tachyon) energy source. Dr Henry Moray was also successful in creating energy converters that used this free energy.
Today most scientists working on the free energy devices are working on the conversion of Tachyon energy into electrical energy that can be used to operate automobiles, electrical appliances, light bulbs, etc.
Rather than converting the energy into electricity, David Wagner of California, USA, developed the modern hi-tech process known as Tachyonization which utilizes a hybrid chamber married to a Directional Zero Point Actuator. This unit is then connected using an ingenious advanced coupling system in the core of a free energy machine.
This innovation allowed Wagner to be the first inventor in history to achieve a directional restructuring of natural materials, creating permanent Tachyon antennas. Researches have proven that the Tachyonisation process can permanently alter almost any natural material like silk, cotton, liquid, silica, natural herbs and plants, etc. The possibilities for balancing our world are truly endless.
There is a whole range of Tachyon products that can be applied to any therapy in health care, healing, balancing, sports performance, pain, injuries, protection from electro-magnetic fields and maintaining youth. The applications are endless.
Private workshops for the use of Tachyon
You can request for a private session to learn how to use Tachyon tools for yourself, your loved ones or if you are a therapist, to help enhance the treatments for your clients in any areas of therapies.
Compiled by
Peter Choo
nutritionist, lymphologist, Tachyon energy practitioner
Tel: 65-6270 3929
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