
Miracle Exercise

What People are Saying about Needak Rebounders:
" I woke up one night at 3 a.m. with a bad sore-throat. I took a cup of water and started a gentle bounce on the Needak rebounder. After about 15 minutes I started to feel better. I continued the gentle bounce and kept my eyes glued to the clock. By the end of 25 minutes, my sore-throat was completely gone. What an experience and a revelation! I knew that rebound exercise will help boost the immune system by activating the flow of the lymph fluids thus allowing the white blood cells to defend the body against infection and foreign invaders . But I had never expected it to actually work so quickly and effectively." Kyi Main, Singapore, 1998
"Rebound exercise is the closest thing to the Fountain of Youth that science has found."
James R White, Ph D, author of Jump for Joy, 1981.
"The external work output at equivalent levels of oxygen uptake were significantly greater while trampolining then running...the greatest difference was about 68% " NASA - Ames Research Centre, Moffert Field, California, study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology 49(5):881-887, 1980.
"Never in my 35 years as a practicing physician have I found any exercise method, for any price, that will do more for the physical body than rebound exercise." Henry Savage, M.D.
The Harris Nelson Story: Harris Nelson of Hollywood, former president of Hollywood's famous comedy club, 70 years young, sums up the benefits of rebounding in inimitable style:
" All you have to do is bounce on the rebounder, very easily at first (convalescents can sit on it), and it is astounding how it massages every organ in your body. The results are fantastic!
" The concept is new. Bouncing puts all the cells in the body under positive and manageable stress. In defense, they fortify themselves by strengthening their walls. They become stronger and so do you! It's as simple as that! And it works!
" I need only 6 hours of sleep at night now - and no tossing as before - I wake up refreshed. No more waking up in the nights. Stress and anxiety reduced 100%. Cough gone. Arthritis gone.
" I can eat anything now; even before going to bed and I don't wake up dizzy and nauseated at four in the morning because of my heart problems. No Angina Pains!
" I have never enjoyed better regularity in elimination.
" I have renewed zip and vitality.
" I've lost 8 pounds and no dieting. All muscles are firmer. My pot belly is reduced 1-1/2 inches.
" I can read music faster. My mind reacts much quicker, and I'm sure it is correcting disorders I'm not even aware of. Plus, plus, plus!
"All this and why? Better circulation. Stronger lung power and a stimulated lymphatic system (your toxic poison and waste removal system). Action and movement. Exercise! And happy days, I can do it while watching television. No special grab, no sweat!
" And it's done all this for me in less than four months, rebounding just five to ten minutes twice a day. That's all I need to keep fit!

Vision Enhancement
Many individuals especially Singaporeans troubled by vision defects have begun using the Needak rebounder to improve their eyesight. Statistics from the Singapore ministry of health show that 50% of 12-year-olds and 70% of 18-year-olds are myopic.
Imperfect eyesight is mainly caused by stresses and strains of the body and mind, poor general health and incorrect use of the eyes. To derive maximum benefit from a rebound programme, it is necessary to follow a sound nutritional programme that allows the body to develop better health. Then going through the discipline of rebound exercise, you can learn relaxation techniques to overcome stresses and strains. You will also be getting aerobic exercise (a must for any health programme), and you will learn new ways to use your eyes. The rebound exercise will help:
* Relax the eyes and mind
* Improve memory, imagination and visualisation
* Teach the eyes to shift properly
* Provide visual biofeedback for muscle control.
More scientific information on Rebound Exercise
This simple exercise can stimulate your metabolism, keeping you fit, healthy and feeling good.
There are innumerable systems for keeping fit. But according to modern research, there is one form of exercise that is more complete than any other. It is known as aerobic rebounding and it consists of simple ordinary exercises performed on a firm mini-trampolin - a bouncer or rebounder.
What is Exercise and What is a Good Exercise?
Exercise is a process by which the cells of the body are placed under controlled stress. They are stimulated to reach a higher degree of metabolic efficiency as well as to increase in vigour, strength and vitality. Since the cell is the basic structure of every tissue, muscle, organ and system of the body, the secret of good health lies in building healthy cells.
The mechanism of jogging, swimming, tennis, weight-lifting and most gym-training creates cellular stimulation in certain parts of the body by working particular muscles of the body against gravity or against another resistive force. At no time during the exercise cycle are all the cells of the body stimulated simultaneously. Such exercise is therefore partial. For this reason, keep fit programmes contain a number of different forms of exercise in order to strength and vitalise as many parts of the body as possible.

Rebounding Exercises Every Body Cell
When exercise is performed on a spring-mat of a rebounder, however, the situation becomes very different. The body is experiencing the combined forces of gravity, acceleration and deceleration as a single rhythmically changing force, exerted simultaneously on every cell of the body.
At the top of the bounce, the rapid deceleration combines with the force of gravity create a stimulation to the body cells of up to twice the force of gravity. It is for this reason that the NASA scientists have researched the power of rebounding exercise, declaring it to be the most efficient form of exercise yet devised by man.
This rhythmic, simultaneous stimulation of every body cell has been shown by physiologists and trainers to provide remarkable effects. When cells are stressed or exercised below the point of rupture, they become strong, well toned; when they have little work to perform, their condition degenerates and they atrophy. The body's strength results from the combined overall strength of trillions of cells.
Rebounding Increases Muscular Strength
Rebound exercise thus creates muscular, tissue and organ strength through the stressing effect of each cell created by the changing of gravitational, accelerating and decelerating forces, rather than by the work-orientated aspect of most other form of exercise. Very often we do not immediately grasp the fact that muscular strength can be developed not only by work or by using the muscle, but also by the gentle stressing of gravitational rebounding.
The factor has an additional advantage too, in that work-orientated, stress-stimulated exercises such as jogging, swimming etc, can over-stress areas of the body, resulting in structural injuries. Consider for example, the back, tendon and knee problem of runners and joggers who continually land on a hard, unyielding surface. With bouncing, the cells are stimulated without the sudden stresses that can result in injuries. It is for similar reasons that bouncing is being used in remedial exercise after accidents and injuries to help promote strength and healing. Even just sitting on a bouncer and rhythmically moving up and down is of benefit in cases where more strenuous movement is impossible or ill-advised. Bouncing is therefore found to be of great assistance for exercising in older people or in rebuilding strength after injuries or operations. They are frequently recommended by physiotherapists and are used extensively in rehabilitation centres.
Rebounding Stimulates
Lymphatic Elimination of Cellular Toxinsand Waste Materials

Our body cells are in a continual state of renewal. Some like the red blood cells last only 24 hours. Others last longer, even many years. The brain cells do not renew themselves - we simply have innumerable spare ones to replace those that die. It is thought, however, that running out of spare cells is one of the causes of senility and the slowness and loss of memory often associated with old age. Modern research does point out that although dead brain cells cannot be brought back to function, the remaining cells can be stimulated to grow new interconnections.
Just as it is necessary for normal healthy cells to get nutrients and oxygen, it is also vital for the excretory waste products of the cells to be taken away. This transport of toxins away from the cells into the bloodstream and out through the kidney, skin and lungs is accomplished initially through the lymph system. Lymph and its associated lymphocytes (cells that are an integral part of the immune system) is the fluid which bathes all the cells of the body. It is a loosely structured system that extends throughout the body, but does contain tubules and valves like the circulatory system.
Rhythmic bouncing helps to move toxins out of the cells into the lymph fluid and thence into the blood stream, on their way for excretion and elimination from the body. The presence of unreleased and accumulated toxins lead to cell degeneration, disease and deposits. While bouncing, the flap-like one-way valves within the lymphatic tubules are stimulated and works to enhance the flow of lymph throughout the body. This result in better removal of toxin from the body and also give the immune system a boost.
Call us today (65) 6270 3929 for a special Offer Package below.
With a purchase of the Soft-bounce "Probounder 2000" model at S$680, you also enjoy the following free bonuses as long as stocks last:
1. Free carrying bag for the folding Probounder
2. Free VCD - Health and beyond through rebound exercise by David Hall, certified reboundologist OR a classic presentation by Albert Carter, the father of Reboundology
3. Free book, Rebounding to better health by Linda Brooks, certified reboundologist
4. Free delivery to any address on Singapore main island
5. Special 20% discount for purchase of balancing bar (that's recommended as an optional safety device for children, old folks & special exercises that requires balancing aid)
In addition, you also get the following offer:
a) S$630 per unit for purchase of 2 units. Recommend a friend to buy it with you. You save S$50
b) S$600 per unit for purchase of 3 units. Recommend 2 friends to buy it with you. You save S$80

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