Most electricity comes from alternating currents (AC electricity), which create an energy field that is both electrical and magnetic (EMF). These EMFs penetrate biological systems and drain them of their life-force energy. The negative effect of AC electricity is compounded wherever transformers, electric motors, coils, or some other form of high resistance is present. High-tension wires and step-down transformers present one of the greatest dangers, but they are by no means the only danger. Common office and household items like computers, copiers,refrigerators, electric stoves, electric blankets, hair dryers, blenders, microwaves, electric juicers, electric clocks, fluorescent lights, and televisions require AC to DC conversion for their operation, thus producing potentially damaging EMFs.
Don’t Panic!
It is possible to protect yourself and your loved ones from EMFs. In fact, when using Tachyonized Silica Disks and other items, you are able to do more than simply protect your family. The Silica Disks turn hazardous, extremely low frequency EMFs into beneficial energy for the body
Studies show that Tachyonized™ Silica Disks installed over the circuit breakers of your home or office neutralize the negative effects of EMFs and, at the same time, improve biological functioning. These groundbreaking studies also strongly indicate that when your circuits are protected by Tachyonized Silica Disks, food prepared with electrical appliances have greater life-force energy.
For example, most people are familiar with the benefits of fresh, organic juice. Unfortunately, even electric juicers create a powerful EMF which depletes the SOEFs, thereby robbing the valuable life-force energy from your juice. However, when your circuits are protected by Tachyonized Silica Disks, your juice and other foods prepared with electrical appliances actually have the same energy value as fresh foods.
Tachyonised Silica Disks
Tachyonised Silica Disks were developed to protect you and your family from the negative effects of electromagnetic fields. Used worldwide, they are the best tool on the planet for transforming the negative effects of EMF into life enhancing energy. Use them and feel the difference! Various sizes are available for use on your handphones, computers, TVs, refrigerators (to energise and freshen food) or on the main circuit breaker to harmonise whole premises.
Tachyonised Cubes
Protect yourself from the emf of your car by placing the cube on your car's positive (red) battery cable. It is perfect for portable devices such as lab-top computers, stereos, hairdryer etc. Use it also on the power cord of refrigerators, juicers, mixers, blenders, food processors, etc. at home or when you travel. Simply snap the cubes around the power cords of TV or mini-refrigerators in your hotel room.
Other Tachyonised products
Tachyonised products are also superior for Pain Relief, Healing and Sports Injury. They come in the form of Ointments, message Oils, Wrist bands, Head Bands, Knee, Ankle and Elbow Wraps, Sole Inserts, Jewelry, Foods/Herbs and even Toys.
Do not jeopardise Your Health, especially that of your children.
Cancer Center in Pittsburgh Warns of Cell Phone Risks
By Paul Fitzgerald (partial reprint)
The head of a prominent cancer research institute issued an unprecedented warning to his faculty and staff Wednesday: Limit cell phone use because of the possible risk of cancer.
The warning from Dr. Ronald B. Herberman, director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, is contrary to numerous studies that don't find a link between cancer and cell phone use, and a public lack of worry by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Herberman is basing his alarm on early unpublished data. He says it takes too long to get answers from science and he believes people should take action now especially when it comes to children.
"Really at the heart of my concern is that we shouldn't wait for a definitive study to come out, but err on the side of being safe rather than sorry later," Herberman said.
No other major academic cancer research institutions have sounded such an alarm about cell phone use. But Herberman's advice is sure to raise concern among many cell phone users and especially parents.
In the memo he sent to about 3,000 faculty and staff Wednesday, he says children should use cell phones only for emergencies because their brains are still developing.
Adults should keep the phone away from the head and use the speakerphone or a wireless headset, he says. He even warns against using cell phones in public places like a bus because it exposes others to the phone's electromagnetic fields.
Call Peter on (65)6270 3929 or email for enquiry or consultation.
Read on for more detailed Information
The dispute concerning the repercussions that cell phones have on human beings has prevailed since their inception. For every study that indicates a link between cell phones and cancer there seems to be a couple of highly funded, high profile studies that conclude there is no link between cell phones and cancer.
University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute:
For example, on July 23rd, 2008 Dr. Ronald B. Herberman1, director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, stated in a memo sent to 3000 faculty and staff that children should use cell phones only for emergencies because their brains are still developing. Herberman is basing his alarm on early, unpublished data. He says it takes too long to get answers from science and he believes people should take action now — especially when it comes to children.
"Really at the heart of my concern is that we shouldn't wait for a definitive study to come out, but err on the side of being safe rather than sorry later," Herberman said. Herberman's advice is sure to raise concern as it should among cell phone users and especially parents.
Of course Dr. Herberman’s warning is contrary to numerous studies that don't find a link between increased tumors and cell phone use, and a public lack of worry by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
There may be no consensus but one fact is for certain:
Cell phones are an intricate part of a growing majority of wireless communicators. A wireless world has become as natural as an mp3 or a DVD. Our technologically evolving society has quickly forgotten the days of rotary dial phones with 1/2 lb receivers, 33rpm records, 8mm home movies and 10 megabyte hard disks. Trends now indicate that it is just a question of time before the elimination of land line communication networks as wireless technology dominates the horizon. With this “evolution” comes an uncanny array of invisible electromagnetic fields (EMF's), radio frequencies (RF) emissions and microwaves (MW) saturating most metropolitan areas.
If you live in a metropolitan city almost anywhere in the world, the probability that you or someone you know will be utilizing a cell phone today is almost a certainty. Economics are a key factor in the powerful debate over the health hazards of cell phones. There are those who claim that cell phones ultimately pose a health risk, and then there are those who remain certain that cell phones pose no significant health hazards.
Let us take a moment and entertain the possibilities of what might happen if cell phones were proven to have a negative impact on health. If cell phones were unilaterally accepted as being a serious health risks it would probably tumble the current telecommunication world as we know it. Considering that most of these companies are held by large international conglomerates, the legal impact could inevitably collapse the corporate structures and possibly even profoundly affect society as a whole. With roughly 2 billion cell phone users, the economic and social ramifications are staggering. Anyone who ever used a cell phone and developed cancer could naturally place blame and financial responsibility on the manufacturer thereby creating a flood of legal actions. For this reason alone, there may never be a collective consensus of opinion on the diverse controversy of whether cell phones lead to cancer or pose any significant health risks.
But what is cancer?
It may be helpful at this juncture to overlook the label and stigma of the word cancer and focus on the predicament from a different perspective. From the quantum physics point of view, everything is comprised of energy. Everything is either gaining or losing energy. From the holistic perspective, the losing or gaining of energy can be equated with the process of aging or youthing.
Youthing is synonymous with negative entropy. Negative entropy is the movement of a system towards order, harmony or balance. Likewise when a system moves towards balance or order it is considered to be youthing. Entropy is the polar opposite describing a system’s movement towards chaos, disease or disorder. It is the process of aging. From the holistic perspective it is believed that almost every disease or disorder finds its roots in an energetic depletion or imbalance. Cancer comes from an energetic depletion (entropy) over time. This is the process of entropy. This is the aging of a specific gland or organ, which undoubtedly affects the overall system.
From the energetic perspective,
cancer or any other disease is most certainly a cumulative, entropic process. Any system that experiences entropy sustained through time will naturally arrive at a depleted state in which chaos, disorder, disease or death are the natural outcome.
From the holistic perspective,
the question of cell phones in relation to cancer is moot. Cancer is a byproduct, which is inevitably caused by entropy. And therefore, the question should be: “Can cell phones cause entropy?” Entropy is the turning towards disorder and disease. According to the opinion of one entropy expert, Dr. Gabriel Cousens2, the answer is an emphatic yes!
Dr. Cousens has been an active researcher into the fundamental nature of entropy for over 30 years. Measuring and testing the entropic response of systems, glands and organs have guided Dr. Cousens into an enlightened view of entropy and negative entropy. One of Dr. Cousens’ most recent research projects clearly illustrates the entropic effects that cell phones have on most users.
Gabriel Cousens M.D. Research
For this research project, Dr. Cousens selected a prototype EMT (electoral muscle tester) developed by Dr. Buryl Pane PhD3 to be used for all measurements. “The EMT is capable of measuring individual increases or decreases in muscular resistance” claims Dr. Payne.
An increase in the EMT reading represents a negative entropic (or ageing) response. A decrease in the EMT reading represents an entropic (or youthing) response. The EMT is unique in that it is operated by the individual being tested. This removes the researcher's subjectivity. Each of the individuals being tested used their personal cell phone during the testing process. Each individual was evaluated either two or three times based on the relevant conclusion. The first EMT reading was acquired to formulate a baseline. Next, the subject, using their personal cell phone would place a call and conduct a common conversation. The cell phone was positioned on either the right or left side of the head as determined by the subject's preference. Dr. Cousens then acquired a second EMT reading after no less than two minutes of cell phone conversation. The second reading, when compared to the subject's baseline, would reveal whether talking on the cell phone had an entropic or negative entropic effect. If the second reading revealed an entropic response, Dr. Cousens would install a Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disk on the battery compartment of the subject's cell phone. (The Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disk is reputedly a negative entropic device capable of harmonizing electromagnetic fields4). The subject would once again engage in a cell phone conversation in excess of two minutes. During the conversation a third EMT reading was acquired. This reading was compared to the original baseline.
Dr. Cousens scientifically tested 186 subjects.
Baseline readings were acquired first. The second reading revealed 90% of the subjects experienced a significant bioenergetic depletion (entropy) while talking on their personal cell phone. This clearly illustrates that cell phones do in fact give rise to entropy. After installing a Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disk on the depleted subject's cell phone, a third reading was acquired. 100% of the subjects upon re-testing exhibited a significant bioenergetic increase which exceeded the baseline. As indicated by Dr. Cousens, the Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disk is the only material he has evaluated that reversed the entropic effects of the test subject. It is interesting to note that 3% exhibited a significant bioenergetic increase when talking on their personal cell phone. Dr. Cousens says that the 3% is consistent with his findings that a percentage of the population experiences what he calls an energy reversal. For these individuals, most typical therapies work in reverse on their systems.
Dr. Cousens’ conclusion is that cell phones do have an entropic affect on most humans. He states that the best way to avoid the biological depletion that these devices produce is to abstain from using them. If you cannot live without your cell phone, then you must protect yourself from the entropic (or chaotic and ageing) affects. In Dr. Cousens’ personal opinion, the Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disk is the best solution available for harmonizing and negating the electromagnetic fields produced by cell phones.
Dr. Cousens’ findings in regards to cell phones and their effect on biological systems clearly answers the entropy question. Cell phones, for most people, have an entropic effect on their systems. This means that they are depleting the bioenergetics or creating chaos in the user. Dr. Cousens’ findings also provide a proven solution to the entropy problem.
The current controversies over whether cell phones cause cancer will likely rage on. Current research clearly indicates that the predominant concern we should be focusing on is not if cell phones cause cancer, but rather do cell phones prematurely exhaust our energetic structure, making us more susceptible to disease, disorder or chaos.
There is enough convincing evidence to clearly indicate that there is reason to be concerned. Unfortunately, the practical solution offered by most researchers is to curb exposure. In this modern world where everyone is trying to get more done in less time, that solution appears unlikely. And what are the possibilities of these new technologies? Are we destined to remedy technology with technology? It is true that we are in a technological era and that our obsession with technology is increasing. Therefore the only solutions are either through technology or abstention. Will the technical corporations properly solve their own problem? One would hope that responsible leaders will make reliable choices for their consumers. A simple, quick solution seems extremely unlikely considering that most studies which demonstrate the safety of cell phones are supported by special-interest groups that are often funded by the financial pulse of the industry itself.
Maybe the time has come for concerned individuals to take matters into their own hands. To do so is to be proactive. Some people regularly consume organic food, even though the food industry reports that herbicides and pesticides are safe. Some people drink filtered or bottled water even though the water municipalities say that the water coming out of our faucets is safe. Fortunately we now have insightful studies like the one conducted by Dr. Gabriel Cousens. These studies enlighten us to technological solutions that concerned individuals may employ to protect themselves from cell phone radiation, even though the manufacturers say the radiation is safe. Proclivity has been the trend since the days of DDT. After all it is our future, and the future of our children's children which is at stake here. A proactive course appears to be the most prudent course. For now, the best solution appears to be limiting our personal exposure, as well as incorporating the research proven Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disk.
1. Dr. Ronald B. Herberman, Director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute
2. Gabriel Cousens, M.D., M.D. (H),
3. Buryl Payne PhD , Author of The Body Magnetic, Publisher: Psychophysics ISBN: 0962856991
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