
AIDS Scandal

Prominent AIDS researcher Christine Maggiore who has been a victim of these fraudulent tests, states the major problem as follows:

"Both tests are non-specific to HIV antibodies and ae highly inaccurate. Non-specific means that these respond to a great number of non-HIV antibodies, microbes, bacteria and other conditions that are often found in the blood or normal, healthy people. A reaction to any one of these other antibodies and conditions will result in an HIV positive diagnosis. A simple illness like a cold or the flu can cause a positive reading on an HIV test. A flu shot or other vaccine can also create positi9ve results. Having or having had herpes or hepatitis may produce a positive test, as can a vaccination for hepatitis B. Exposure to diseases such as tuberculosis and malaria commonly cause false positive results, as do the presence of tape worms and other parasites. Conditions such as alcoholism, liver disease and blood that is highly oxidated through drug muse may be interpreted as presence of HIV antibodies. pregnancy and prior pregnancy can also cause a positive result."

There are thousands of sientists, including Nobe Prize laureates who are bold enough to speak about the reports, interviews and expositions in

The triggering of an HIV positive result will lead invariably to prescriptions for the deadly cell toxins AZT, ddI and other 'HIV' drugs, which have an appalling history of causiong the very immune deficiancies they were supposedly designed to prevent. South African Barrister Anthony Brink mremarks:

"In truth, AZT makes you feel like you're dying. That's because on AZT, you are. How can a deadly cell toxin conceivably make you feel better as it finishes you, by stopping your cells from dividing, by ending this vital process that distinguishes living things from dead things? Not for nothing does AZT come with a skull and cross-bones label packaged for laboratory use."

There are literally thousands of scientists including Nobel Prize laureates who are bold enough to speak up. But most of the medical establishments and authorities including the World Health Organisation and governments worldwide have towed the line of the original FDA lie for decades. They would rather perpetrate the lie and make millions of people suffer and die than admit their mistake. So, knowledge is power and only true knowledge can set us free... read the reports and the truths in There you will find, amongst other things, a list of 2600+ individuals and scientists who have the courage to be named for their stand for TRUTH.

So, let's not be foolish enough to go for an HIV test. Or if anyone has been tested positive, never ever accept any AZT or other drugs which are toxic chemotherapy drugs that can cause AIDS symptoms. They will weaken you and will most likely be the cause of your eventual death.

Simply drop the undesirable habits, adopt a healthy lifestyle, take lots of nutritious food or supplements to boost the immune system, do regular exercise...and after 6 month, one can go for another test, if one wishes. And, chances are, the test will be negative.

Do pass this vital message to as many people as possible.

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