

The death of my mother from Cancer and my decades of sufferings from migraine, sore throat and other ailments initiated my journey to search for an alternative route to health and life.

It did not take long for me to realise that for every disease and illness that plagues mankind, nature has a remedy. Man's sufferings from ill-health are the direct result of breaking the laws of nature. This is often due to ignorance, but more often arises from suppression of knowledge. But mankind's history are abound with great personalities and unsung heroes whose dedicated efforts and trials had resulted in the discovery of some of the secrets of health and life, be it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.

I learned the hard way that western main stream medicine is steep in the use of surgery and man-made drugs or devices, to alleviate symptoms. It is not interested in addressing the root cause of health problems or in the prevention of illness or diseases.

While looking for answers to health, I encountered many 'shocking' revelations about the wars and politics that govern the operations of healthcare and many other main-stream systems in the modern world.

I have also discovered many higher principles or laws of life. These laws are so precise that breaking them knowingly or through ignorance will always bring about 'suffering' in one way or another, sooner or later. Simply put, we reap what we sow.

Indeed I have gone through my fair share of suffering. With each experience, I mature a little and learn to let go a bit more. So join me on my journey, if you wish ...

I shall attempt the following:

TO research and share the truth about the 'horrors' that goes on in the healthcare, food and other industries in the modern world.

TO share my personal viewpoints and that of others on topics relevant to a the holistic understanding of body, mind and spirit and the nature of life on earth

TO share, and offer where relevant, information, products and services that I have found beneficial for physical, mental and spiritual health

TO provide links to websites where you can obtain or purchase useful information, products or services

Included in my postings will be compilations on human activities, man-made substances and concepts that pose threats to our health and living. Other things of interest will be:

Wars on Health that are waged everyday in homes, clinics and hospitals resulting in ravages of health and deaths of unknowing consumers who are but victims of man's greed for money and power.

The energetic nature of the universe, human consciousness, taming of the robotic mind, the higher truths and laws of life, the past present and future of living, modern values and culture, history of the earth, the universal and cosmic "realities"

My family - Members of which had been and are the best teachers in my life.

Other visible and invisible things and concepts that were instrumental in shaping my life and beliefs.

Peter Choo

Protection from Handphone Radiation

The health problems and dangers arising from the use of handphones and electrical devices at home, at work and during travels are many.

Most electricity comes from alternating currents (AC electricity), which create an energy field that is both electrical and magnetic (EMF). These EMFs penetrate biological systems and drain them of their life-force energy.

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Quick Pain Relief & Management

Are you suffering from PAIN arising from a sprain ankle, tennis elbow, sports injury or a chronic condition life Arthritis, back or sciatic pain?
There is great news for you... A Quantum breakthrough in Pain Relief is helping thousands of people to experience a better life the world over. Do not miss out on this amazing phenomenon.

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Elements of Health

The three elements of optimal health

Can you imagine trillions of cells repeatedly performing billions of specialized functions in our body to keep us going. Yet what the cells need to keep them working happily is simple - simple to understand and simple to provide. You are about to discover the three elements of optimal health.

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Miracle Exercise

Experience the relaxing effects of Zero Gravity,
enhance your vision, strengthen and cleanse
every cell
of your body through the miracle of...

Rebound Exercise

"Children seem to instinctively know that the 'bounce-ability' of a bed or couch has health giving benefits. Just like the bounce-able bed, rebound exercise uses three natural forces, gravity, acceleration and deceleration to strengthen and cleanse every cell of the body, all at the same time. Think about that . . every cell, not just certain muscles, get stronger and toxins are removed from everywhere simultaneously. Now, what other form of exercise can do that? " Linda Brooks, certified reboundologist

The miracle of rebound exercise was first discovered by Albert Carter in 1977 and confirmed by Kenneth Cooper's Institute of Aerobic Research. Scientists at NASA, the American National Aeronautics and Space Administration conducted controlled research and confirmed it to be "the most effective exercise yet devised by man." It is 68% more effective than jogging, but minus the shock and damaging effects on the joints and back.

You may be wondering why such a simple exercise can be so effective. With every gentle bounce, all 75 trillion cells of the body are pitted against gravity, acceleration and deceleration. This interaction strengthens and cleanse every cell while saving strain on muscles and joints. As all the cells in your body become stronger and healthy, you naturally become healthy too.

The rebounding action also activates the lymphatic flow and enhances the immune system which is vital for defense against foreign bacteria, viruses and malignant or cancerous cells. Bouncing on a well-built devise like the Needak Probounder 2000 will not hurt your joints or back as the special springs absorb 90% of the shock. In fact, rebounding stimulates regeneration and help your body to heal and remain young.

Since 1977 thousands of users around the world had experienced one or more of the following therapeutic effects by using the Needak Probounder 2000 that Carter designed with a team of engineers:

Improves vision
Improves balance, coordination, dexterity and endurance (enhances sports performance)
Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides
Tones muscles, supports glandular system
Improves conditions related to arthritis, cancer, osteoporosis and other degenerative diseases
Improves varicose vein and bladder control
Improves memory, learning abilities and enhance alpha states for better programming
Improves sagging and wrinkling of skin
Increase metabolism and burns more calories

Unlike other exercises which target only certain sets of muscles, aerobic rebounding is a whole-body exercise. It builds up every cell and muscle, including cells of the brain, eyes, internal organs, tissues, ligaments and bones. After bouncing 5 weeks for 15 minutes, twice a day, I experienced a healing of my once-broken right ankle bones that had been aching for 20 years.

Rebounding may just be the answer to your health or exercise programme. Five to 15 minutes 2 to 3 times a day, will keep you healthy and fit. No outfit is needed. Just step on and enjoy. The rebounder is being used successfully in the training of Olympic athletes and sportsmen. So whatever game you take, it will enhance and carry you to a higher level of performance.

About 20 years ago, the Hong Kong Government invited Albert Carter to show its police force and firemen how to keep fit at their work-place using rebound exercise. A team of engineers were assigned to him and they came up with the best design ever that came to be known as the Probounder 2000. The Hong Kong government purchased 20,000 units.

The amazing benefits of rebound exercise has been proven by researches and thousands of users in schools, gyms, hospitals, rehab centres, homes, offices, factories and even board rooms around the world. Indeed it is being recognised by health professionals as the bottom line for health and fitness. It is the Ultimate exercise today and of the future.

Like any product, not all rebounders are made alike. Some are no more than toys and can even harm your body when the mat stretches unevenly or when the hard unyielding springs jar your joints and back during bouncing. We recommend the world's best, the Probounder 2000, and offer a warranty of up to 10 years for the quality product.

The Needak Probounder 2000 is a professionally designed rebounder that do not compromise your safety. Dr Janet Goodrich, well-known authority on the improvement of vision the natural way, has this to say: " If you are thinking of buying a rebounder, the Needak mini-trampoline is one of the best in the world. Do not be tempted by cheap versions available as these poorly built ones cause more harm than good. They tend to jar your body instead of springing it!. The Needak should last your family 20 to 30 years and is definitely good value for money."

The Probounder also has an optional "balancing bar" so that young children and senior citizens can also enjoy the bebefits of rebound exercise without any concern for safety.

You may be wondering why nobody has ever told you about this amazing discovery before. Well, the secret is out. So step into the future with Probounder 2000. Its safe, easy and fun

Call me today on (65)6270 3929 for a special Offer Package below.

With a purchase of the Soft-bounce "Probounder 2000" model at S$580, you also enjoy the following free bonuses as long as stocks last:

1. Free carrying bag for the folding Probounder

2. Free VCD - Health and beyond through rebound exercise by David Hall, certified reboundologist

3. Free book, Rebounding to better health by Linda Brooks, certified reboundologist

4. Free delivery to any address on Singapore main island

5. Special 20% discount for purchase of balancing bar (that's recommended as an optional safety device for children, old folks & special exercises that requires balancing aid)

In addition, you also get the following offer:

a) S$530 per unit for purchase of 2 units. Recommend a friend to buy it with you. You save S$50

b) S$500 per unit for purchase of 3 units. Recommend 2 friends to buy it with you. You save S$80

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What people are saying and
More Benefits about Rebound Exercise


Pi Water: the living water

Our body is 70% water. So taking the 'right' kind of water can make the difference between good health and dis-ease. What then is the right water?

Every now and then, a brilliant person chances upon a secret of nature and helps to change the lives of thousands of people for the better. The Living Water or Pi Water is one such discovery. Inspired by the Longevity Village in Japan and after decades of research, Professor Yamashita discovered the secret of water that enhances health and longevity.

The unique properties of this water are as follows:

Purified: Impurities, pesticides, chlorine, volatile organic chemicals, heavy metals ( lead, mercury, copper, & arsenic etc), bacteria and microorganisms (as small as 0.3 microns) are removed.

Small Clustered: Water molecular clusters are being broken down by half to 46.6Hz. This enable the water clusters to move across the cell membranes with greater ease, thus carrying nutrients and oxygen into the cells and toxins out of the cells with greater efficiency.

Energized: The water is ionised, activated and energised by the use of bio-ceramics ( with Fe2Fe3 ) and far infrared ores. The will give the body more energy to perform all its activities better.

Oxygenized: Contains 12% more oxygen than normal tap water

More Alkaline: There are sufficient minerals to make the water slightly alkaline for better cellular activity and neutralizing acidity of the body.

Anti-oxidant: The water has a negative redox potential which simply means that it is an anti-oxidant, properties that are essential for combating diseases and ageing.

Six-pointed: The Pi water exhibits a six-pointed snow flake structure that is typical of most living foods in nature. This goes to show that the water is living and is full of life-force energy. Kirlian photography of the water show a radiant aura of energy that shoots out in all direction.

For more information of the original Pi Water processor from Japan, or other more economical models, call (65) 6270 3929 or e-mail:

For more information on Pi Water, click on link below:

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Art in My Life

When I was a boy of 10 my father took me and my younger brother for art lessons from well known artists of the time in the early 1950s. That laid the foundation for me to carry on my life-long interest in art.

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Tachyon Energy - A New Paradigm in Holistic Healing

My search for holistic health and healing in the early 1990s was rewarded by the discovery of Tachyon Energy, which scientists have described as the source of all frequencies in the universe. A brilliant American, David Wagner engineered how to tap into this Free Energy that pervades all space. His breakthrough discovery showed the way for a new paradigm in holistic healing and hope for raising the consciousness of humans and the world.

I have tried out many of the products and found them to be amazingly effective in the relief of pain. They are also beneficial in balancing the body, clearing energy blockages, neutralising electro-magnetic fields, enhancing sports performance, energising water, foods and the body. I travelled to the USA to get first-hand knowledge and was trained to be a Tachyon practitioner.

I have been promoting the product for the past 12 years in my holistic health business in Singapore. When the Tachyon company eventually turned multi-level, I had no choice but to join as a distributor. Although I am not an ardent enthusiast for the MLM concept, but the products they produce and market is too good to be dropped or ignored.

I will provide the link to my portal in the company's main website where you may wish to log on to do more research or to join as a distributor to enjoy the savings.

However, if you first wish to know more or to try out some of the products, do feel free to get in touch (65-6270 3929) or email: as I do keep stock of the more popular items for my regular clients.

Peter Choo

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"Living" Food

"You are what you eat" is a cosmic law. Everybody knows the saying -- everybody! It is a concept that has been known in every culture and civilization throughout history. It is written into the fabric of the universe. It is a simple law of Nature that should be remembered each day, and at each meal. Those who wish to heal themselves and the planet, should eat the most healing foods.

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My 'Religion' or Spiritual path

The search for the meaning of life started for me at the age of about ten. Many phenomena and apparent subtle and unseen things piked my interest. A yearning for the answers to many of life's mysteries prompted me to look at many of the religious paths and I went about in search for guidance.

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"Cancer: Cause and Cure"

Percy Weston, an Australian sheep farmer, chemist and two-time cancer survivor has found the cause and cure for Cancer on his farm.

His book "Cancer: Cause and Cure" tells the story. It is a fascinating account of how agribusiness is disrupting the balance of nature and causing havoc in the food chain. Percy explains how anyone can beat cancer without expensive drugs, hospitalisation and doctors, just as he did.

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How to stop any INFECTION

You may not believe this, but if you have enough of 2 simple amino acids in your body and other nutrients, you can never get infected by any bacteria or virus.
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Sweet Poison

The artificial sweetener Aspartame is found in many sweets like Ricola, diet coke and is by far the most dangerous food additive on the market today.

Aspartame accounts for over 75 percent of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Many of these reactions are very serious including seizures and death as recently disclosed in a February 1994 Department of Health and Human Services report. Some of the 90 different documented symptoms listed in the report as being caused by aspartame are: headaches, vertigo, seizures, nausea, numbness, muscle spasms, weight gain, rashes, depression, fatigue, irritability, tachycardia, insomnia, vision problems, hearing loss, breathing difficulties, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, loss of taste, tinnitus, memory loss, and joint pain.

Why has Aspartame not being banned?

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Letting Go ...

Soon, I will be 65 years of age. I have spent most of my life in the pursuit of various things. As a youth, it was mostly knowledge and skills. When I grew up and completed formal education, it was financial independence leading to the building of family and business.

At many points in my life, I have wondered about the meaning of life and have made provision to do some 'searching'. But faced with the realities of day to day living, I was not quite able to reconcile the down-to-earth mode of living with the ideal way of life that can bring genuine peace of mind and 'happiness'.

Starting from the age of 12, I have begun to wonder about life and the many mental and emotional problems I was facing. Family and business life brought with them many challenges. Many self development, motivational and spiritual teachings have crossed my path and I spent much time to learn and study. Today I can say with some certainty that one most important truth I discovered is the idea of Discard or Letting Go.

In the early 1980s, when I was experiencing some discord with my business partners, a friend suggested to me that the 'garbage of my mind' was the source of all my problems in life. It did not make sense to me at the time.

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AIDS - The Greatest Scandal in modern history

One of the greatest scandal in the history of the modern world is the discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which has never been isolated according to any recognised scientific procedure, despite much fanfare and fear-mongering. The discovery of HIV in 1984 was attributed to Dr Robert Gallo who displayed a fake image for which he was later convicted of science fraud. Since then, no empirical proof for the existence of HIV has ever been furnished to the scientific establishment.

Tests for the presence of the HI virus are just as scandalous. As you may already know, all the diagnostic methods employed by the recognised laboratories for the testing of HIV are simply tests for the presence of antibodies and they are far from specific.

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